Good Morning Yoga: Strong and Supported Bridge<br>Alana Mitnick

Good Morning Yoga: Strong and Supported Bridge
Alana Mitnick

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Chars Cowling
Hesitant to try this as Bridge not one of my favourites but felt very supported. Loved the leg stretch afterwards too. Will do this one again. Thank you.
Alana Mitnick
Hi Chars, It's great to hear from you! I am so glad to hear that the practice felt good and supportive. Keep me posted. Best wishes, Alana
Frederic M
Thanks Alana for this sweet and grounding practice!
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This was such a beautiful practice. The supported bridge felt so open and delicious. Thank you Alana.
Alana Mitnick
Ali, I'm glad you found and enjoyed this one!  Beautiful observations. I find slowly down and really connecting with breath and sensations can allow for an expansive and exquisite openings. xoA
Rosanna S
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I am truly enjoying all of your morning yoga classes, Alana, and find myself coming back everyday. I've been practicing yoga for years and am just discovering some of the sweetness with your sequencing and relaxation cues. It's also interesting to find that what seems like a simple or easy practice has profound effects on the mind, body, and soul. Thank you for everything you offer. You're truly a gift!
Alana Mitnick
Rosanna, Thank you so much for sharing. It warms my heart to hear that these practices, and this approach, resonates with you. I teach from my heart and from my experience of being in a human body... with all the usual physical, emotional, and mental tensions. I am deeply grateful to be in these teachings together. So glad you are here, Rosanna. Love, Alana  
Sandra Židan
Great practice! Thanks, Alana! Kind regards!
Alana Mitnick
HI Sandra! So happy you enjoyed this practice. Your dedicated Yoga practice is inspiring. Warmly, Alana 

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