Yoga Love: Joyful Movement<br>Julie Westlin-Naigus

Yoga Love: Joyful Movement
Julie Westlin-Naigus

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Jennifer L
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Thanks! The theme of self compassion resonated with me. The shake-out was liberating & I even was successful getting into half moon with your tips about using the wall and the block. Also loved your mellow vibe.
Katherine F
Hi Julie......loved this creative presentation to really feeling our body....going "out of the box" a bit from traditional yoga postures to feel in authentic way how we are feeling and what our body really wants to do beyond restraints. Thank you.
Leah K
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Thank you for the reminder to use the wall in half moon pose! I found much more ease letting myself be supported by the wall instead of trying to get into the full expression and being disappointed when I fall out of it. Namaste
Julie Westlin-Naigus
I am glad that you found that helpful Leah! I use it all the time in my practice :)
Ella K
1 person likes this.
Loved it, thank you. Will do the course now. And love your voice so much.
Julie Westlin-Naigus
Thank you Ella! I’m so glad you enjoyed it.
Bridgid M
I this practice! 

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