Everyday Somatic Yoga with Lydia Zamorano

Everyday Somatic Yoga with Lydia Zamorano

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In Season 1, each class explores playful somatic movement focused on a different part of the body, with a creative yoga flow to integrate our newfound tools. As you find more mobility and ease in these areas, you will you lea... (more)

I hope there will be more of these! They are great.
Lydia Zamorano
Steve I hope so too Steve! Thanks so much for chiming in here. Warmly, Lydia 
Colleen W
1 person likes this.
Thank you Lydia. I find your approach so refreshing. After decades of Power Yoga, Ashtanga, Iyengar,  Hatha.......I am searching for more somatic work, especially as I am injured. I will continue to follow you.  cheers from the Kootenyas !
Lydia Zamorano
Colleen W Hi Colleen! Thank you for taking the time to comment! I'm so happy we share a similar search. I hope we get to meet someday. We are not that far from each other! With care, Lydia 
This is a great series. Would love more episodes/seasons of Everyday Somatic Yoga! 
Lydia Zamorano
Tyler Hi Tyler! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and share your enthusiasm. More episodes are coming soon! I'm so excited to share them with you. Happy solstice. Lydia 

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