Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 15: Power 3<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 15: Power 3
Nathan Briner

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Christine D
After starting yoga in April after many years, I've been doing some Challenges on this site.  Although I was fit and active, I wasn't able to sit on my legs, clasp my hands behind my back, or even consider a camel pose.  I'm thrilled that I was able touch both hands on my heels in camel, and also a few seconds lifted my head off the floor in the back bend.  I'm working around injuries, but I'm thrilled with this progress with the back body.  Thank you Nathan!
Meagan P
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I  really struggled with today's practice.  Personally,  I think I could've used some sun salutations to warm up before getting into some of these poses.  Day 14, i was able to get into the full wheel,  something I haven't been able to do since having shoulder surgery.  But today,  it felt as if I had about 10 kilos worth of weights on top of me! Don't know if it was just the need for more warm up, or what it was, but yeah,  today was VERY different for me in the way I felt.  Might try doing this practice again but after some sun salutations.  See if it makes a difference.  
Nathan Briner
Christine! As an instructor, these are the most amazing things to hear. You put in the time and dedication and and now you can see and feel the transformation. Huge hat tip to you! And thank you for sharing your progress. It helps others to know that change can happen! 
Nathan Briner
Meagan, great job on your progress with the wheel! Sometimes after a stronger session the body needs a rest or a good warm up before it’s ready for more. It sounds like you are doing a great job of listening to your body. I think anytime you’re feeling that your body needs a warm up that you should follow that impulse. Take 5 minutes before the lesson of the day and do a few sun salutations. There may be a few more at the beginning of the lesson or maybe not but you’ll be ready for whatever comes. 
Good to hear from you :) 
Michele S
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Back bends are not my thing but the daily gradual lead up to a back bend has allowed me to keep trying.
Rosanna S
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Another wonderful practice! Today, I was able to feel a freedom in wheel pose I've never felt. The placement of the strap on the arms and legs have really helped me to feel where they should be so I'm not putting strain on my lower back. Thank you!
Nathan Briner
Right on Rosanna S
Caterina C
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Hi Nathan. Very restoring class for my back. I usually have a little backake, in the lower back when I lean forward. It is due to my two epidural anaesthesia during childbirth I guess. This class was a kind of restoring. I have had no back pain during the night. Well, it is not really PAIN just a sense of discomfort which ake a little. So thank you so much. Talk to you soon.
Nathan Briner
Caterina C that is wonderful to hear!! You’ve brought a smile to my day :)
Laura M
Great class!! thank you!! I was out of town last week and didn't have time to do my challenges. I am so happy to be back!!
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