Sacred Kundalini: Balancing Masculine & Feminine<br>Kara Looney

Sacred Kundalini: Balancing Masculine & Feminine
Kara Looney

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Italia B
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Thank you, Kara! Excellent class... show!
Kara L
Italia B great to hear from you! I’m so happy you enjoyed class 🙏. 
Anouk M
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That was so beautiful Kara L,  I cried. I am wondering what the name of the kriya was? I am a kundalini yoga teacher as well and would love to teach it. 
Kara L
Anouk M hello! I’m so happy to know this Kriya set opened you up to a powerful release through tears 🙏. This Kriya set is a mix of many smaller sets. Warm up, chanting of Ma to open the heart, the merger of the Sun and the Moon Kriya to balance masculine & feminine, followed by opposite nostril breathing which balances ida and pingala nadis. Don’t be afraid to mix smaller Kriya sets together as a teacher to achieve a desired result 🙏.
Anouk M
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Kara L so interesting! As a new teacher this is very inspiring! Thank you! 
Kara L
Anouk M yes! Be playful with it - I was always directed by my teachers that you can pair kriyas together, just don’t change the kriyas as they’re designed because they are like recipes for awakening 🙏
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