Advanced Basics: Essential Core Lesson<br>Nathan Briner

Advanced Basics: Essential Core Lesson
Nathan Briner

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4 people like this.
what a difference it made to have the regular cues to tip the pelvis with the abs (not flexors). very much appreciated this practice - thanks Nathan.
Christel B
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Appreciating all the details to improve our asanas.  Always great to be practicing with you as you share your expertise.
David G-
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In addition to the comments above, I would add that the mother stomach comment was fascinating. The waistband is a nice puzzle piece. Sure I have heard it before, but came into sharper focus here. 
Nathan Briner
Matthew absolutely! It makes a big difference :)
Nathan Briner
Thank you! I’m glad you’re digging the practice Christel B 
Nathan Briner
David G- I’ve been playing with that cue recently and I’ve found that the waistband cue seems to help connect with and isolate the lower abdomen better for my clients compared to saying pelvic tilt :)
Laura M
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Waistband is definitely a clearer queue. I’m always learning in your classes, can’t wait for the rest of the season!
Pia A
3 people like this.
I appreciate this class. Very clear explanation. At the end i was able to practice navasana without big effort. Thank you. 🙏 
Nathan Briner
Laura M I look forward to hearing how the next lessons work for you :)
Nathan Briner
Nice work Pia A! That’s a feeling I am really hoping for, taking familiar poses deeper with less effort 💪
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