Advanced Basics: Essential Core Lesson<br>Nathan Briner

Advanced Basics: Essential Core Lesson
Nathan Briner

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Diana R
2 people like this.
By far the best yoga class I've ever done. Flowy, smooth, challenging and easy to follow. After two C-sections and countless therapy sessions, this is the first time I understand how to activate and feel my abs! thank you Nathan
Nathan Briner
Diana R, sorry for the late reply! Awesome to hear that you are connecting to these classes and finding your core strength again! Let me know if you have any questions that I can help with. 

Diana R
1 person likes this.
Nathan Briner thank you! 🙏🏽
Rachel S
1 person likes this.
That was really wonderful! I think this will help all of my future yoga practices!
Nathan Briner
Rachel S! I’m so glad you felt supported by this routine. The more I dig in to building core strength and fluid spinal motion in my practice has made my all my poses feel so much sweeter. I can’t recommend it enough. Core strength and awareness first, mobility second. 
All my best!!
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