Welcome to Ashtanga: Let's Practice Ashtanga<br>Dylan Bernstein

Welcome to Ashtanga: Let's Practice Ashtanga
Dylan Bernstein

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Luuk H
Hi Dylan, have been practising this routine and the shorter ones leading up to it for about a month a few times a week now, and very much enjoy it! Since a week I've started noticing I sometimes get a sharp pain in the right knee when doing the wide legged poses and bending the knee deeply. I've tried different widths of legs but doesn't seem to matter too much. Any further tips on how to avoid this? 
Dylan Bernstein
Hi dear Luuk. Thanks so so so much for reaching out to me with this kind of question. It's certainly important. As I often state, any source of pain should be paid attention, especially in the knee -- without question! 

I am so glad that you already tried different widths of legs. I would also counsel trying to modulate the amount of: knee bend and spinal curvature. Notice if you tend to keep the spine or knee straight during the transitions. And then slowly and cautiously try it a different way. It sounds like you are proceeding into  Prasarita Padottanasana with knees bent. Maybe try it with straighter legs? Obviously, if this creates more pain rather than relief, don't do it! 

I'm also curious if it feels like your back is rigidly straight, or curved on the way into and out of the posture. Let's see if changing that can help us at all. 
Dylan Bernstein
Luuk H (continuing from my message above)....
If you don't mind, I would be interested to see video of your movements in these postures. You can share them with me via email, social media, or here. 

Also it would be tremendously helpful if you could tell me exactly where on the knee you feel the sensation. Is if on the front, behind, deep, surface, medial, lateral, etc? You can also send a picture pointing at where. That would be great. I would love to see what's happening and help avoid any suffering that is yet to occur.

It's wonderful news that you have found some value in returning to this practice again and again. Thanks for taking me into your confidence and taking this practice into your life. I would be honoured to assist further! Looking forward to hearing from you! Dylan 
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Thank you :)
Jennifer L
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Beautiful class and grace! Thankyou for this lovely morning inspiration.
Natalia M
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Exactly the modification of the first series I was looking for! Great session, thank you!
Sandra Židan
Thanks, Dylan, for this beautiful practice! I've enjoyed doing it! Namaste! 🌞
Lenise Jay
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Thank you for the practice!
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