Awaken to You: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: We Made It!<br>Shelley Williams

Awaken to You: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: We Made It!
Shelley Williams

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Maggie T
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What a wonderful 30 days! It took me almost 2 months to complete, but it was incredible. I feel so accomplished. The last class was a gift. Thank you for this and I look forward to more time with you on the mat!
Shelley Williams
Maggie!! Congratulations Yogini sister! Doesn’t matter how long it took, you still engaged and practiced 30 times in 2months! How great is that?! I truly hope you feel a great new rhythm and flow, and continue with it! My best to you ❤️❤️❤️
Debra D
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Hi Shelley. This was such a great course, but today I got an email telling me that I had not completed it, which sort of did my head in a bit because I had thought I had. It was such a regular part of my schedule. I did 30 days and 30 stars crossed off. But the email said I had not done days 22 and 25. I don’t get it. I remember those days... backbends right? I love ustrasana. And the chill out day! That felt like a treat. Do you know why they haven’t shown up as done? I mean it’s no big deal to me. I know I did those practices but I’m wondering of there is some mischief in the IT system. For what it’s worth, I also did the Robert Sidoti 30 day challenge about a year ago and that doesn’t show up in my account history as done either. But otherwise, th challenge was a beautiful experience. Thank you 🌼
Debra D
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I have just got another reminder saying that I didn’t finish the practice and that I missed days 22 and 25. According to the daily practice journal that I keep I completed Day 22 on Wednesday 22 February, I did Days 23 and 24 together on Thursday 21 February and Day 25 on Friday 22 February - wasn’t that the one inspired by your son Nate’s easy-like-Sunday-morning personality?
Shelley Williams
Debra! Hello there and big congrats to you for finishing the challenge!! I started to write a comment earlier and then had to teach, sobfinally getting back to you! How fantastic a feeling to accomplish something you set out to do for yourself~ totally impressed with how you showed up, interacted, reflected and shared all the way through. Thank goodness we don’t rely on technology to really measure and track our real life progress, but I can understand you want to see those stars checked off and the visual of your progress and completion. As this is not my department, I will reach out to the behind the scenes folks at Yoga Anytime who handle this sort of thing 😘😘 Kira , can you speak to this?! Thank you so much for your participation and enthusiasm and heart, Debra! Kindly warmly sending hugs 🤗
Debra D
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Thank you Shelley. This morning I received yet another email —this is the THIRD one — telling me that I haven’t finished the challenge. I understand that Yoga Anytime is trying to encourage me but I’m starting to feel a little bit HARRASSED. I’ve been practising yoga and meditation long enough — more than 20 years — to understand that seeing progress tracked visually is not a real measure of the undertaking. I don’t need to be validated by that. I just wanted to point out that there might be a gremlin in the backend IT system. As I mentioned earlier, YA didn’t log my completion of the Robert Sidoti 30 day challenge either. I don’t care about that. I loved doing the practice. But it vexes me to get follow up emails urging me to do something I’ve already done. I also thought it strange that the system didn’t alert me, as it used to do, that you had replied to my post. I know there’s nothing you can do about it. No need for you to reply. Just goin’ on with my life now :)

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Hi Debra! Ashley from Yoga Anytime here :) Thanks for mentioning your experience with some of the challenge videos being tracked. I understand how you feel with the email reminders about something you've already completed.

There's actually a way to manually 'check off' a video if your view isn't tracked. In the "About This Video" section below the video (lower right), you'll see "Not yet watched." You can click the check mark to manually check off that day's video and practice! I've already taken care of the two days you mentioned on the backend, so your account now reflects the physical reality of you completing the challenge. Congrats! And thank you for sharing your experience, I've let the tech team know too.
Shelley Williams
Debra and Ashley. thank you both for your communication... sounds like it all got worked out! I would've felt harassed, too, FYI crying 😂 Lots of love to you both!
Kate M
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Thank you, Shelley, for creating this challenge! I could feel the building of momentum throughout, and really looked forward to each instalment. You are a gifted and inspiring teacher. Blessings,
Kate : )
Shelley Williams
Kate! Huge Congratulations to you!! You sailed through this challenges so elegantly, and I am so glad you feel inspired!! How wonderful to give this gift to yourself, especially as a teacher, so you can fill your well.... I hope to stay connected here and so very thankful you have shared your experience here with all of us. Much love and appreciation to you!
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