Prana Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 1

Welcome to Season 1

5 min - Show Intro


Dr. Scott Blossom, practitioner of Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine, joins his Ayurvedic mentor Dr. Robert Svoboda, in an in-depth exploration of prana. Prana has been defined many ways: life force, breath, vital energy, and chi. Throughout this season, we will explore daily routines, practices, rituals, and talks drawing on Yogic and Ayurvedic teachings to help obtain optimal wellness through the balancing of prana.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Jul 14, 2016
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(waves lapping) Welcome to Season One. I'm Scott Blossom, and my background is in Ayurvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine. I have a clinical practice in Berkeley, California, and I had about a 25-year hatha yoga practice, and so my episodes will really be focused on ways that we cultivate our life force, our prana. And so I'll be drawing from my training in Ayurvedic medicine as well as the practice of yoga, and the teaching of some yoga sequences. And Ayurveda and yoga very much have a nexus around the subject of prana, and both have unique and complementary ways to help someone to promote wellness on both a physiological as well as a psychological level by balancing your prana.

And I'm really happy to be exploring subjects as varied as morning routine to travel tips, and where I'll be giving in all of those segments, I'll be giving tips that are both Ayurvedic in orientation as well as yogic in orientation. And I'm really, really thankful to have my Ayurvedic mentor and teacher, Dr. Robert Svoboda to join me. Thank you. Thank you. I'll be focusing on prana, what it is, what it does, how you can become more aware of your own prana and how it circulates in your system.

And also Pratyahara, which means taking those sense organs that we have that are always pointing themselves outward and learning how to bring themselves back in. And, quite possibly, doing a little exercise to facilitate that activity. Great. We hope you enjoy it.


Sharon H
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Just in time. Thanks!

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