Yoga Anytime Bloopers Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 2

Winter Blooper Reel

5 min - Special


From unexpected visitors, to prop mishaps, to dancing, to straight up taking a spill, a lot more goes on behind-the-scenes of a yoga video shoot than you may imagine based on the final edited product. As our teacher Rob Hess says: "Yoga is not a laughing sport," but clearly based on the below video, it is.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Feb 09, 2018
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Just, can I go? This is the X-rated version of Yoga Anytime. I heard that train, so I'm going to hang out here. And then walk your other arm in. Yeah?

You want to come in? Sit. Okay. And then as you exhale, gently contract the muscles below your navel. You, okay.

There's a little dead vibe right in front of me. Inhale your right leg up to the f**k. Yes. Come on, bring it in. That was awesome.

Did you get that on camera? Come on, come on. Coming out of it gracefully. Square and center, deep belly breathing, sh**. Grab hold of the block, bend your right leg, and step back into warrior two.

Why don't I grab the block? And hopefully if you have an expansive wall space at home, then you can use it to help you work with balancing Vashisthasana too, because it provides a nice little bit. This is taking forever. All right, from the top, hit it. Cash me outside, how about that?

I've created... Eh? And then we'll start to find some circles with the spine coming to the ground. Exhale, swan, eh, zee, eh, this is supposed to be swan dive. We're going to start on the ground.

So shoulders, hips with the par. Coming into some circles with the spine for Sufi rolls. So we're... Now we work with the banda, a backbend, backbend. You are as symphony...

Hey welcome back to day nine. Starting with some circus. No more laughing. Yoga is not a laughing sport here. It's a wreck!


Kate M
My morning SMILE : ) LOVE!
Kate M
2 people like this.
these are great! Surely there must be more? Please share them with us, these are good for the soul too! 😀
Glenford N
More please! To brighten my day and put a smile on my face.

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