From Root to Radiance Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 5

Universal Love

45 min - Practice


Join Emilie Perz for a heart-opening yoga class that focuses on awakening the Anahata chakra through a luxurious yet efficient flow. This practice is designed to cultivate a "we" consciousness, encouraging a spirit of service and universal love by releasing tension in the hip flexors, low back, and shoulders. Through a series of backbends and the use of the heart hand mudra, you'll work on letting go of resentment, embracing forgiveness, and opening your heart to move forward with renewed compassion and love.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Blessings beauties. I'm Emily, and welcome to class today. We are gonna give it up for the heart Chakra. So Anahata Chakra. This is the 4th Chakra in the chakra wheel.

And as we climb the ladder, we're climbing the ladder into the air element today, which is all about love, divine love, self love, respecting ourselves, and being of love to the world around us. So when we are feeling that love and everything that we do, it really provides us a sense of joy contentment, Santoshia, we call it in the yoga practice. So we're gonna give it in to love by using our touch right away. And I'd like you to come and join me in Sukhasana and cross the right shin forward to the left. Take a moment to scoot around on the SIP rooting your first chakra down, lifting up through the second chakra hugging the 3rd chakra in, and then elevating through that 4th chakra center, and then take the hands to the legs with me, close the eyes, and start to just rub the top of the thighs.

Turning on the neurons to the brain. We have a ton of neurons in the brain, and we have more neurons in the hands than any place else because this is where we hug the ones we love, potentially even hugging ourselves. But we use our hands so much in the world to hold, to grab, to pull, to push, and we need these hands for touch. For feeling. So right away, as you feel the legs, feel the tingles and the fingertips, feel the center of the palm start to warm up a bit, And let's begin by taking a smooth breath in and open through the mouth, let it out. And let's do that again.

Take a smooth long breath in. Open through the mouth, to let it out. And one more to center ourselves, so long smooth breath in. And at the top of the inhalation, I want you to pause and just hold the breath for a moment. See if you can sip in a little bit more. Then open the mouth and let it roar.

And then stop the hands, release the breath, and start to breathe in and out through the nose. Taking a moment to just feel the hands. Touch. And then bringing the hands to the heart, let's take a bow to our self, setting an intention in the name of love, in the act of love, And then we're gonna get a little bit deeper into that sense of touch. So lifting up through the crowd of the head, Open the eyes with me and sweep the arms to the sky.

Make a sweet little prayer overhead and then pull the hands down to the lines and take the hands forward with me. So we're gonna use that left hand to feel as we take that right arm to the side. Brushing the hand against the heart as we swing that right arm back and following the right thumb with our gaze so we add a focal point to our practice. And then start to pull it back forward with me reaching the hands forward and letting the left arm go back as the right hand comes to the heart space. And we turn and follow the gaze. Inhale. Back to the center line.

Exhale. Take it to the right. So allowing ourselves to feel from the inside out what's going on within the periphery of the skin. The interior walls that only you live in, and it's really important to use our practices as a way to connect more viscerally to the depth of our body, the skeleton of our skin, the bones, the architecture to who we are, And then to that energetic component to ourselves, the subtle body that is love and loving ourselves. Next time you take that right arm all the way over to the right, I want you to pause and breathe.

Keep your left hand to the heart, and then flip that right thumb down and wrap it to your left hip. Now here's a sneaky move. Take your left leg and turn it back behind you. And then twist your chest to the right as much as you can. Drop your right ear to the right shoulder head and breathe into this left portion of the neck. So starting to open through the scalenes on the side of the throat walls. Now take that hand that's to your heart and drop the back of the palm to that right knee and twist a little bit deeper for me, opening up through the chest as well as the side body.

In the how lift up through the crown of the head, you can open the eyes. And sweep that right arm up and over towards that left knee, feeling a nice little side bend to the right side body. Stretching into the lats, stretching into the armpits so we can open the heart safely. In hell, right arm comes up to the sky, bring the hand back behind your hip. Fingers face away.

You're gonna elevate through the pelvis coming onto the shins and tossing that left arm overhead. And then lower yourself down super slow. And I love this move. Take the left arm behind you. Walk the fingers in as much as you can and puff up the hard space. So really shining those collar bones broad and letting the heart pluck open.

Turning the hands forward towards your hips, Look towards your left leg, and let's bring the soles of the feet together for a moment opening the knees into a baddakonasana shape. Now pressing into the hands lean forward for me, feel into those inner thighs, and then take your chest back and open the legs to the side, finding a little Yupa Vistra Kannasana. Lean back, bring the soles of the feet together, and find that bada Kannasana again. Now inhale, lean it back, lift your knees, and kick it in the name of love, loving yourself, loving your body, and then bring it right back down again. And we're moving in and out, opening through the legs and starting to turn on those lower chakras So we can really lift it up to this higher chakra and to this element where we are more connected to the spiritual self. One more time, Badaquinasana, Yupa Vishka Kunaasana, Badaquinasana, and then on a little divasana as we kick it up to love.

Please lower the feet down. Keep the fingers facing towards the hips and elevate into a reverse tabletop, stretching the throat. And again, plucking the heart open, lowering the hips down. Let's take that left shin forward of the right now and inhale sweep the arms to the sky. Route down through the sitting bones, bring the hands to the heart space, and let's move it to the left side now.

Letting our hands slide across the heart or anywhere you want them to, following the gaze to the thumbs so we can find focal point as we tune into self love, self respect, owning all the love that we have, for ourselves, as well as being of love to everyone around us. And as you breathe, as you open that heart space, feeling into all these minute areas in the upper chest that get really tight from closing ourselves off in life. From not, being present with ourselves. Next time that that left arm goes over to the side, I want you to pause and breathe. Stay for a moment.

Feel that twist. And then you'll keep the right hand to the heart, gaze down, and there's your sneaky move. Take your right leg behind you now. Let's flip that left palm down. We'll wrap it to the right hip and then twist your upper chest and drop the left ear to the left shoulder head to breathe now. Into this right side of the neck.

So getting into all this tension that clutters on the shoulders, all this chronic tightness that we wanna release so that we can truly open our heart space. Drop your right hand to that left knee. And turn a little bit more for me and opening that heart space so we can be more tender. More able to receive. And then inhale lifting up through the crown of the head, we're gonna take that left arm and sweep it towards that right knee.

Feeling a stretch through the left side body because when we can receive love, everything just starts to open up opportunities in life. Start to feel really good inside. And he'll take that top arm to the sky. Bring the left hand down facing the fingers away and then prop up onto the shins and tossed that right arm overhead feeling this beautiful stretch through those lower chakras that we've been opening already. Dropping the sitting bones back down.

Take that right hand behind your back. And then again, pluck the heart open. So Anahata means unstra cord. So we're getting a little melody in the chest. And let's think of that melody as we move through this fun little Vinyasa move.

So flip the fingers, please. Take that right leg and can join through the feet and open those knees while I stretch those inner thighs and then lean forward a bit and let's take those legs out. You, babeshta again. Drop back in, find that bada konasana, and then kick it in the name of love. Bend the knees. Open and wide. Inhale. Take them out to the sides.

Spread the toes if you can feel into the balls of the feet. As well as the inner arches and ankles. So connecting to that lower half of our bodies. Which oftentimes can be really hard because we just kind of ignore the sensations we feel there. One more time, you're gonna pull those lights in.

Kick it up for me. Pause. Feel into that. Maybe flare the toes. Maybe even take those big toes and go, I love myself today. I love myself today.

And then drop the toes down. Keep the heels high and re up a lid up into that reverse table top one more time. Maybe add a sway side to side to feel out the circumference of the hands, feeling the upper chest open. And then lowering down super slow. I'm turning to the side, but cross your shins and join me on hands and knees in the quadruped position.

So turning the fingers forward, spreading them wide, finding a little grip to your sticky mat. I want you to begin by making circles to the right dropping your hips all the way back towards a child's pose and then circling towards the left. And you could close your eyes and really start to intuitively move into this, going into what you feel right away, in your body. So in the skeleton today, in the muscles, in the bones, And the next time you come back to center on hands and knees, inhale into a cow, drop your belly down, shake your hips out. Exhale cat. Really hug the belly in and drop your head in between your biceps. We're gonna add on inhale cow length in your chest four for me. On the cat, let's pull the right knee into the nose and squeeze up through the belly and push the earth away in house send that right leg up and back, lift the leg high, circle the ankle a few times, exhale bend your elbows back, and tap your chest in chin, opening from the front of the heart space, inhale push right back up, exhale right knee to the nose, and then Step it in between your hands, walk the fingertips forward, grab a block if you need, and lunge into the hips, feeling a really good stretch through that left top of the hip flexor.

Maybe even move a little bit side to side if that's okay on that left knee. We're gonna hook the thumbs as we press through the right foot and inhale take it into a low lunge letting the pelvis sink. Pulling the belly in and turning the gaze towards the ceiling. And then we're finding a pivot here. So I inhale and squeeze my rib cage back spin your left shin in, straight in through your right leg, and give me a side bend towards the right hip.

Inhale back to center, lift up through the chest, take the fingers back on an exhale, lean towards the left, bring the left hand down, turn the right palm down, and turn your chest to the sky to stretch it out. In how right arm goes up to the sky, Push down to the support system of the left side body and float your right leg up. Oh, yes. You'll feel even the belly turn on. And then right hand's gonna come down. I take my hands and make them shoulders distance, tuck my right toes, and slide into a plank pose.

Pulling my belly in and aim me my heart forward today. Lower your knees down to the mat. And then elbows back. Drop your chest and shin right away. Inhale pull and tug the heart forward and through.

Take the arms out like little curtains for me and then float through the feet. From here, we're gonna get into a little bit of a fun move. So Left arm will stay in this curtain or cactus, elbow in line with the shoulder, bring the right hand down, Put the left arm down and then lower your legs, but bend your right knee and swirl it behind you to get a nice little peck stretch. They're the front of the left chest. So these deep muscles of the pecs, they can get really tight, and they actually pull on your muscle of respiration, your diaphragm. So we wanna open them right away so we can breathe deeply into our upper chest. From here, we're gonna slowly lower back onto our belly, but pushing down through the right hand, take the left arm all the way up over your head, Take your right arm and lift it off the ground.

Flip the palm back straighten the arm out and then bend the elbow and bring the hand to the middle of the shoulder blades, if you can. Bend your right knee, start to come onto that outer left hip and flip it all the way or round coming onto your back, bending your left elbow and sliding the hand down the nape of the neck. Now I have my feet flat onto the ground, and I'm off my mat a bit getting some stretch in that right shoulder head. And through that upper left armpit. So these binds can be quite tough on the shoulders when we have tight muscles in the front of the shoulders or in the upper back. So I'd like you to breathe and just offer it a little TLC.

To come out of this, we're just gonna extend the left leg long, take that left arm, and reach it back overhead. And then use the palm towards the ground to start to roll back onto your belly. Super slowly now. Right arm will release. Take it forward in front of you and then inhale lift your arms and lift your legs.

Bend your elbows back little Superman power to open through the chest, and then take both forms to the top of the mat parallel with that short end. Drop your legs down. Drop your head down for a moment, but bend your knees and flex your feet. So move your hips side to side. Getting into the heart space also means we have to be brave and have a lot of courage.

So I'd like you to keep your left leg where it is. But on an inhale lift your right leg up as high as you can and start to turn on that glute max. So your big muscle of the buttocks lower it down and then take it to the left, lift that to the sky, lower it down, and then lift up through the right. So leading from our heart space, leading from a place of love, lower the right, lift to left takes a lot of vulnerability. Deep connection to the most intimate parts of ourselves, humanity, and being able to be confident in our decisions, respecting ourselves, respecting our boundaries, as you alternate side to side, really feel that booty kick in and kick up through the heel as much as you can.

One more round, kick it up through the right, lower it down, and kick it up through the left. So you feel really connected to yourself today. Really confident in your decisions. Maybe kick both legs up for a moment. You'll notice they won't lift high and then extend the legs back out.

Inhale. Slide your hands underneath your shoulder heads on an exhale child's pose. Take it back. Drop your head. Stretch that lumbar area out. And then hands are gonna glide all the way towards your knees. You'll keep your sitting bones down, but inhale sweep your arms up to the sky.

On an exhale, make that prayer overhead and bring the hands to the heart and how arms go forward for me. Right hand slides across that left arm, bring the right hand to the heart space, and then drop the left fingertip down, elevate your hips and tasha right arm overhead, getting a little camel pose right away. Drop your sitting bones down, right arm to the sky. Take it to the top of the mat, push off and inhale left arm comes up on an exhale threaded underneath the right. Oh, inhale. Left arm goes up to the sky. Sweat the arm forward in front of you.

See the hand and add your right leg back. Hello, core muscles. Excel elbow to knee, little sneaky move, inhale expand, grow long, exhale elbow to knee for 2. And then one more time, inhale expand, exhale elbow to knee for 3. Now inhale expand lift your chest, lift your gaze, bend your right leg like we just did in that move where we were kicking up through the heel and glide the left hand back to grab the inside of the foot kicking it up and arch looking into a backbend. Now push down through the strength of the left shin in the right hand and arc and pluck your beautiful chest open.

Right leg will extend back. Left arm comes forward. Try to keep your gaze lifted for me. And then bringing the left hand down. Pull the right knee to the nose.

And step it forward when you're ready in the hell. Hook the thumbs. Come on up. Sync into the hips. Turn your chest to the sky.

Feel into it. On an exhalation, sweep the hands back. Straighten through that right leg and feel a nice stretch through the back of the hamstring. Now take the arms all the way up and for today, drop them down. And then bend your right knee. Pull your chest forward.

Lift your left leg and find a little pyramid pose and just shake everything out. Feel into the outer leg lines, feel into the back of the right thigh, bend your right knee in how high runners launch pull the heart forward and, planting through the hands, downward facing dog. Take it back. Bend your left knee right away and sink your right heel down and then switch. Sync your left heel down and bend your right knee. Now power press the legs easy, letting your hips sway, letting your head just relax, and Right. Your eyes just focus on a place that feels inviting for you.

Maybe it's the color of your sticky mat. Maybe it's your leggings. Let's lift the heels high on that next in breath. Coming on to the tippy toes, glide forward into a long plank pose, leading from the heart space, and then squeeze up through the belly right away and shift your shoulders forward finding your fingertips coming onto the tippy tippy toes, and then let the heels go back. Pull the belly in and feel the strength of your legs.

So those lower chakra like a ladder pulling the heart forward and up so we can feel into our own self love and then take it back. Oh, yeah. Just observing that slight little motion one more time and help light it forward for me. And then next, he'll push the heels back when you're ready. Inhale. Find that plank and then lower the knees down right away. Take it to the left, start to swirl it around.

Making those big circles through the spine, getting into the hands, feeling the touch, but feeling out the side body now. Next time that you come up on the right, you're gonna stay with me and inhale into a cow, lengthen your chest. Exhale cat round your back and squeeze squeeze squeeze your navel in as you press strongly through the hands. In how Chesco's Ford for me, but send your left leg up and back. Oh, yeah. Swirl off that ankle a few times.

Excel elbows towards the ribs, tap your chest and chin, inhale push right back up, left knee to the nose, and then step it in between your hands. Let the fingertips come forward for a moment and lunge into the hips feeling that right hip flexor out. And lowering through the pelvis so you get a nice stretch through the pubic symphysis. Hook your thumbs and come on up into that little lunge. Sinking into that left heel and coiling up from the base of the spine all the way through the heart space.

On an inhale, hug the ribs in, lift up a bit. We're pivoting, spin the right shin in, spin the left toes forward for me, and elongate the leg as you lean towards the left feeling into the side ribs, but also feeling the strength of that third chakra kicking in. In how come back to center arc the heart back on an exhale lean towards the right, drop the right hand down, and then float that left arm up overhead turning the palm down to get a nice little stretch in how left arm up to the sky. Push off the right side of the body and lift that left leg up. And then left hand's gonna come down. We're pivoting around, so I make my hand shoulders distance apart, tuck my left toes, and draw my right leg to the left.

Coming into a plank right away. Oh, yeah. Feel into that belly strength. And the knees come down to the ground. Chest and chin lower down. In how pull your heart forward and up with me.

Take those arms out like those curtains again and lift up through the feet, feeling that whole upper body. Start to wake up. We're gonna take that right arm to the side. So elbow in line with the shoulder head, drop the right arm down, Drop the left hand and then drop the legs. Bend your left knee and flip it around to get a stretch through that right pack. Oh, yeah.

Notice if you can feel a difference from side to side, potentially one arm has a little more tension than the other. And then from here, we're gonna lower super slow right back onto our belly using the left hand, but lift your right arm on the in breath and extend it up overhead. Place the hand down. Same little thing. We're gonna float up through the left arm, take the hand, and we'll reach it behind us.

And then bend the elbow and slide the back of the palm to the middle of the shoulder blades. Wherever it lands, it's totally okay. Bend your left knee and then flip back around onto your back, bending both knees, and then taking the right hand and sliding it down the nape of the neck. Now notice right away, I haven't given you a cue to bind the hands today, though you can feel free. I just want you to start by breathing and feeling a nice stretch through that left shoulder head.

And then this nice little lift that the hands give to the back shoulder blades as the chest opens. So take a couple deep breaths here to soothe any tension again in the upper heart space so that we're open and ready to receive to walk from a place of confidence into our lives today with the right to feel our emotions in every single way. Right leg extends long. Take the right arm back overhead and then use that palm. Just slowly start to lower back down onto the belly again.

Wahla. Take that left arm forward for me, and we're gonna lift the arms and lift the legs and then bend the elbows back like a little Superman really elevate through the elbows. Pulling in through the shoulder blades. Forems come forward to the top of the mat. Put him down, right, in line with that.

Short end to the mat. And then drop your forehead down. Bend your knees and flex your feet. So one more time stopping up through those heels as we lift up for love. Take that left leg and let the leg bone push up to the ceiling and then lower it down and then try the right.

So as you alternate side to set dancing in the name alone with those legs, I want you to feel the hamstrings turn on. Because you need those hamstrings in order to grow in your backbends through the thoracic spine. You need those glutes to work in line with the hamstrings, tandemly providing support to the pelvis. Let's do one more round each side. So inhale lifting up there to the left, lower it down, and then the right.

And then lowering it down, try both legs. And you'll notice there's not a whole lot of lift, but feel that booty kick in. Oh, yeah. And then extend out through the legs. Pressing down through the feet. Let's push into the hands with the chest this time.

Keep the elbows where they are, but spin the hand sport, hug the elbows in, and come into a little sphinx. Take a moment to radiate the heart center for today. Pressing into the hands, let them grip anywhere they can, and potentially lift the elbows off the ground without the low back kicking in. Or having any tension. Keep attention free.

Keep the belly nice and strong beauties. Lower the elbows down, quick switch hands, where the elbows are, and then roll over the knees into that child's pose for me. Take a couple deep breaths to stretch your low back. And then hands will glide all the way towards those knees. Sitting bones are down, inhale sweep the arms to the sky. On an exhale, pull the hands to the heart.

On an inhale right arm goes back left hand to the heart center for me. Well, it's 10th those right fingertips behind your beauties. Elevate your beautiful pelvis and toss that left arm overhead. Oh, get a nice little stretch. Drop the sitting bones down. Left hand all the way to the top of the mat. Inhale right arm goes up now.

Exhale thread it underneath. Inhale. Sweep it up to the sky. Take the arm forward in front of you, look towards the thumb. Left leg kicks back and up. Okay. Belly nice and strong today, exhale elbow to knee.

Tap at the midline beauties, inhale expand, lift your glorious heart up for me, exhale elbow and e for 2. Squeeze them through the belly. One more time, inhale expand. Lift, lift, lift your chest. Excel elbow to knee for 3. Now we're adding on inhale expand.

Bend your left leg. There's that hamstring curl. And then right arm sweeps back at the inside of the foot. Kick it up, but find the strength of that right leg and left hand. Let your chest and collar bones burst open. Leftlet goes back.

Right arm comes forward when you're ready. Hand comes down. Left knee to the nose. Step it forward and through. In hell. Hook your thumbs.

Come on up. Lunch into the hips. And then exhale let those arms sway back and find a little Hana mountain this time, opening the back of the legs. Sweep the arms forward for me, but I went a little deeper. Oh, yeah. Feel into that. And then rebend your left leg.

Pull the chest through. Lift that right knee and find a pyramid when you're ready bowing over that knee bowing to your body and all its beauty. This magnificent creature that you are. And then inhale, bend that left knee spin your right heel high. Plant the hands, take the left leg back, and we're petal pressing those legs again.

So left heel down, bend the right knee. And switch it out, letting your hips sway a bit, letting your heart melt towards your mat, In your hands, press proactively into the ground. And then lift those heels up high. Glide into that strong plank, lengthen your chest forward today, and do that little motion rocking forward and back. And if you'd like to add on, how about little circles to the right and left this time?

And you'll feel all those chakras kick in as they support you in this very subtle way to be more present in the shape, more present with your body today. And then coming back to center, downward facing dog. Right? Let goes high, bend the knee. Open it to the side, get a nice little stretch through the inner thigh, and then keep that knee to the side, but glide into a plank and tap your upper right knee to your upper right armpit. Take the knee to the center line and then kick it right back up as you come into 3 legged down dog and the knee to the nose, step it in between your hands.

Let's rise up into a crescent pose, finding our footing, and lifting our chest. And as you let your ribs come to the thighs on an exhale, Push down through that right leg and let your arms sweep back like liens as the heart opens and you lift your left leg into a VRa 3. Left toes are gonna go back, find the grounding through the feet, and now arms go up, hook the thumbs. And find a rainbow to the left as you bring the right hand to the center of the heart space. Let's take it around the mat, right hand down, Pivot into a low lunge, left arm goes up.

Left hand comes down, downward facing dog, but my left leg goes right away. Bend the knee. Open through the hip. Feel into it. Glide into a plank with that knee wide and tap your upper left armpit. And then pull the knee to the midline, sweep it back up to the sky in a 30 legged down dog.

Step the foot forward and through confidently standing your legs, and come up into that crescent letting your belly and chest sweep open, lengthen your rib cage towards your thighs, pivot forward for me and then take off into a big vara 3, rolling the shoulders back so your heart is exposed open. Right toes to the back of the mat. Bend your left knee. Hook your thumbs back into that crescent. Lift your chest beauties.

And then hit it with a rainbow over to the right, left hand to the heart space. Let's pivot around. We've got a little lunge with the left hand down, left heel high. Right arm to the sky. Right hand comes down.

3 legged down dog. So right leg. Take it up right away. Open the hips squeeze the outer hip lines in. Glide into a plank with a knee wide, tap the upper right arm one time. Need in the nose, kick it right back up to the sky, and make giant step.

Take that foot in between your hands. Stepping into love, stepping into your life with right action, lift your chest up. Find that question for me. Ex, he'll take off, find that verabradrost in a 3. Squeeze your booty.

Left toes go back, press and pose, inhale arms come up. Exhale rainbow right hand to the heart as you bend your left leg. Take it to the back of the mat, right hand down, Nice twist. Take the left arm up overhead. Feel into it. Oh, and then left hand comes down. Final round like this.

Left leg up. Bend the knee and open to the side. Glide into a plane. Tap that upper arm right away. Sweep the knee to the midline, inhale kick it up to the sky, exhale knee to the nose, step it forward and through, stand strongly in the feet, Find that crescent pose with me, arc up. Exhale. Vera Petrasen a 3 stay steady from your root chakra.

Bend the left knee, right toes go back, find that crescent pose, and then hit it with the rainbow with your left hand to the heart space. Spin it around, left hand down, right arm goes up, and we're adding on right hand down, right leg, sweep straight this time. Right knee, upper right arm. Tap it with me. Need in the nose, inhale.

Sweep it to the sky. And then step it in between your hands and come up into that crescent one more time. Exhale verabradrasana 3. This time, as the left toes go back, right hand right shin or to a block triangle pose, let it sweep open. Left arm to the sky, hug your right hip in, pull the low low belly in, and open through the chest again.

Left arm goes up overhead. We're gonna do what I like to call a duck and dive. So it's prasarateopadotanasana. But let the left arm come down, turn the right toes in, grab your ankles and pull your head down for a moment. Then over to the left we go, spin the left toes forward.

Let your back right hand come forward for me. Warrior 2 as you come right on up. Opening the chest strongly. Flip your left palm. And reverse the warrior leaning back to get into that heart space and then straighten through that left leg. Oh, yeah.

Pivot your left toes in. Take your right arm underneath the left. Eagle bind the arms as your chest explodes open. Keep your feet nice and strong. You're gonna use the arms like a pendulum and go down and around up into the spine a few times, feeling up the side ribs.

And whichever way you go, doesn't really matter here. I just want you to feel into it. The next time you come up either to the left or the right side, I want you to pause and breathe. And now we're gonna get Really funky. So pivot your left toes in. Pivot your right leg to the top of the mat like that crescent.

As you spin that left heel high, bend your right knee and twist the elbows outside that right thigh. Ah, land. It's steadily. By pushing through that right heel and then bringing the left fingertips down, open your chest and let your heart really crack to the sky. Feel into that. Lower your left knee.

Super slow. Right hand back left thigh. Left arm overhead. Another little back then. Hands will come down to the ground, step it back, downward facing dog. Glide it forward into a plank.

Looking forward from your strong heart lower down all the way. Bend the knees in help take the hands back immediately and see if you can make that hamstring curl to grab the ankle bones flex the feet and lift all right into a beautiful backbend. Now draw the legs in towards the midline spin the inner thighs to the sky and then lift up through the center of the chest, gaze up through the eyes, release the legs nice and slow, tuck the toes, Lift up through the knee bones, bring the hands down, push the earth away, come into plank downward facing dog. Final side left leg goes high, bend the knee, open it, come into a plank, and tap that upper arm with me. Sweep it to the sky as you pull it into the midline, stepping in between your hands, crescent pose, rise on a hook your thumbs, Verab address on a 3.

Let it open. Oh, this time, the left hand's gonna grab that left shin. Come on back into that triangle pose for just a moment, letting your chest open wide. Right hand reaches to the sky. And then right arm goes up overhead. We're gonna do this little duck and dye.

It's a presoritopadotanostana. So grab your outer ankles and drop down and in. Warrior 2 to the right. I release my left hand from the left ankle, pivot my right leg out, and spin it all the way around on my mat. As you drop into that right leg, flip the palm and reverse it.

Straighten that right leg lean back into a reverse triangle for me. And then pivot the right toes in. Take your left arm underneath and lift your chest up high. And then let's take it down and around a few times. Finding our little pendulum swing and this ability to connect to the spine, to the upper portions of our body, into that spiritual realm of the 4th chakra.

Next time you come on up with me, I'd like you to stay, and here's that fun, but tricky transition, we're gonna pivot the left foot forward right away. Start to bring your gaze forward, but lift your heart. Bend the left knee and spin onto the right heel when you're ready. Now using all the chakra. So from the base of the spine, All the way up through the sacral, through the solar plexus to that heart, land those elbows softly outside the knee.

And then bring the right hand down. Take that left arm to the sky and voila. Your heart opens again into the beauty, into the radiance. That is you. From here, we're gonna slowly bring the hands down to the ground and step it back. To downward facing dog.

Let's glide into a plank. And as we glide into a plank, I want you to leave from the heart space. So your chest and pull the collar bones forward and through. Come on to the tippy toes. Bend at the elbows lower halfway.

Curl over the feet and give me the biggest up dog, lifting your knees, lifting your thighs, pushing into the hands, and arcing up through the heart lines. Exhaling downward facing dog. Take a smooth breath in. And let it out. Ah, softly lower the knees to the earth with me in Hellkow. Exhale cat into a child's pose.

From here, we're gonna slide the hands to the knees, cross the shins, and take the legs forward for me. So let's end with another back bend. So bend your knees and draw the heels close to the sitting bones, root down through those sitting bones, bring the fingertips forward and come down nice and slow. Maybe a little more graceful than me. Press into the hands and lift your hips into a bridge. Press the pinkies down, anchor your triceps and maybe interlace your hands, pushing down through the pinkies, press into that left foot and take your right leg up.

See if you can feel the strength of that hamstring again. Bend your right knee, press your right foot into the ground, and, like, lever, extend your left leg up now, lifting the pelvis extending through the back of the thigh. Left foot goes down, push into both feet. Elevate your pelvis for me. Release your hands and lower down.

So you can repeat that bridge variation or end with the full wheel. Bend your elbows for me. Lift up through the chest, lengthening your tailbone, squeeze the shoulder blades, and then flip the hands next to your ears today. Elbows in, inhale to the crown of the head, anchoring your feet into the sticky mat, and then pushing into the hands upright your chest. Root down through your left leg, pull your right leg up and in, and extend it to the ceiling as you press evenly through your hands.

Bend your right knee, put your right foot down, and switch pushing off the hands, elevate your left leg, really push into the hands to pull your chest forward today and lengthen your arms to straight. Left foot goes down. How about both legs? Just kidding. Just okay. And then lower down. Bend your elbows come to the back of the head.

Roll out meticulously nice and slow. Bring the hands to the heart, take the knees wide, and let the knees drop into constructive rest. Right away feeling out the breath, feeling the heart rate. It always speeds up when we're working. From a place of love.

And that's excitement. That's joy. And then let the knees just rock very gently side to side to end. So little windshield wiping, all the work you did, potentially envisioning things you're wiping away to make that space for love to come in, to pour in. And then from there, walking the feet all the way together with me, open the knees into baddakonasana and outreach your arms to the sides.

What your fingers and hands expand like you are about to embrace life and all that comes with it. The challenges that make us unique, the circumstances that give our life vibrancy, The ability to uplift and elevate everyone we meet just as we wish them to do with us. Like a smooth breath in. Let it out. Melting into Shivasaner.

Let's begin to deepen the breath. As it travels through you, take those arms, and wrap them around your chest, and just give yourself a hug. And how the arms go wide and switch which elbows on top and do that one more time. Inhale if the arms go wide, lift up through the knees. And then reach around, pull them into the chest, open your eyes, and give yourself a big squeeze, rock the length of the sitting bones to come on up, or roll to a side, and we're gonna flip around to end feeling into the space of love we made today.

Let's bring the hands and fold them into a sweet prayer at the heart, bowie, and our gaze to our hands. And then placing each palm right on top of the heart space and lifting the heart into the hands. Take a smooth breath in. Exhale. Let it out. And with the heart high bow to the self and to the universal love that lie is with it.

No. I must stay.


Roberta W
1 person likes this.
Thank you! The flow was creative and the moves felt great. I am in between beginning and intermediate in the practice, and teachers' styles vary in terms of how fast-paced they make it. This one went faster than I could go, so I will seek out a beginning class of yours, if they are available.
I love this heart chakra flow, I started this series after the initial launch a month ago and LOVE that I did this one a few days before Valentine's Day. Whether to open my heart chakra has been on my mind this week, :) Thanks for a great practice. 

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