The Erich Schiffmann Show: Morning Freedom Practice<br>Erich Schiffmann

The Erich Schiffmann Show: Morning Freedom Practice
Erich Schiffmann

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Carol R
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The audio stopped after about 51 seconds.
Erich Schiffmann
HI Carol, There was no audio during the freeform asana part, but it resumes at 26:52 after the four songs.
Ted J
Hi Carol,

You may enjoy playing music during that part of the video. In the description, there's a link to a music playlist on Spotify that has 3 of the 4 songs used in the practice (the other song is not available on Spotify).
Sarah N
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When I realized there was silence when the music was being played so to speak, a subtle relaxation flowed in. With less sensory stimulation for me personally, I was able to feel my current and lines of energy so profooouuunnndly🙏🏼 Such a beautiful experience Namaste whoooosh!
Elizabeth M
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Sarah N wow what a beautiful experience!  Thank you for sharing this! 🙏 
1 person likes this.
perfect. silence really is golden. thank you for this.
Melissa K
no sound, why don't you take this down
Elizabeth M
Hi, Melissa - There is intentionally no sound during the freedom asana section of this class.  This time is just for you, to experience the asana either in silence, with the suggested music in the class description, or with other music of your choice.  Thank you for being here 🙏 

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