30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 2: Breathe Into It<br>Robert Sidoti

30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 2: Breathe Into It
Robert Sidoti

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Patricia J
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I really liked the cuing of Ujjayi breath: fogging eyeglasses. Great analogy. It is such a hard concept to teach. I am used to hearing, "Close off the back of the throat," which is not a great cue. Thanks!
Scuba Chick
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I like the added breath technique. The squats made me feel like a boss-dog goddess. Rawr. You're a fun and friendly instructor, too. Thank you!
Robert Sidoti
You're welcome Patricia ... I'm so glad you got that!!
Robert Sidoti
Heeeey Scuba Chick !! I'm so happy you've joined this challenge! Apologies for delayed response to your comments, was away leading a retreat in Vermont:) Welcome and please keep commenting, I'd love to hear about your experience along the way!!
1 person likes this.
As a Yoga teacher, I appreciate the cueing and the sequencing. Her on the edge of the world, in New Zealand, I have you in my beautiful room overlooking Karekare Beach.
Robert Sidoti
Hello inNourish ! Well as a fellow teacher I am happy to share some cueing and sequencing that you appreciate:) The view looks incredible, thanks for setting it up so I can see!!
Never been to New Zealand, someday!
Thanks for being here with us all.🙏🏽✌️
Marilo N
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Beginning a new journey into Yoga and I am loving your classes. You are inspiring and I am so glad to have found yoga in my life again. Thank you.
Robert Sidoti
Welcome to your new and beautiful journey into yoga Marilo and thank you for choosing myself and Yoga Anytime to get you on your way:))
Peggy M
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great practice, thanks robert
Glenford N
Second time around, I'm more able to focus on the small details and subtle movements of the routine . It's all about the quality not quantity. Twenty minutes of breath focussed, body aware and mind aligned is the perfect platform to build my day especially when things don't always go according to plan. Namaste.
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