Wake Up with Yoga: Vairagya: Non-Attachment<br>Birgitte Kristen

Wake Up with Yoga: Vairagya: Non-Attachment
Birgitte Kristen

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Christel B
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Thank you Brigitte for the invigorating practice.
Aloha from Maui
Elizabeth M
I’ve been taking all of these classes as they come out and I really love them all. I feel calm, balanced, centered, and this one had just the right amount of flow mixed with holds. Thank you for this series, Birgitte! ❤️
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Christel B Hi Christel, So happy to hear that it felt invigorating. Thank you for leaving me your feedback. Sending greetings and love to Maui and to all the people affected by the fires. Namaste, Birgitte
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Elizabeth M Hi Elizabeth, Always so wonderful to hear from you and knowing that you enjoy my classes. I thoroughly enjoy offering yoga on Yoga Anytime. Warmest, Birgitte
Sandra Židan
Thank you very much, Birgitte, for waking me up this morning with this nice energizing practice! Namaste! 💖🥰
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Sandra Židan Hi Sandra, Yoga in the morning makes such a difference. So happy to hear that you were able to practice. Namaste, Birgitte
David G-
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It was good to practice with you, nearing my three-year anniversary with formal practice with your guidance. I hadn't practiced in three days, which is the longest without a practice in those three years. Loved the cue about the drishte coming softly towards us. A very good reminder of 
Dear David, It is so wonderful to hear that you continue staying so committed to your practice. Amazing! Thank you for your feedback. Warmest, Birgitte

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