Practical Magic: Headless Meditation<br>Kelly Sunrose

Practical Magic: Headless Meditation
Kelly Sunrose

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Jenny A
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I could not find the words the other day when I was talking about this with you (or trying).I loved the idea of sacrificing out of LOVE. A total surrender. I had to see the title of the meditation to remember it.
Kelly Sunrose
Alayne T
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Awesome meditation. It really helped to pull me out of my head space and into my heart space and get grounded. It was very effective. I love the story and the magic within it too.
Kelly Sunrose
SO happy this was useful, Alayne. Thank you for being here and sharing your experience. All goodness!
Margaret B
I love the quote you mentioned "love is where i am not" who is that by?
Kelly Sunrose
♥️So happy to hear you enjoyed this practice, Margaret ! Those are Krishnamurti’s words, if I am not mistaken. Thank you so much for writing.

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