The 7-Day Handstand Challenge with Allison Ray Jeraci

The 7-Day Handstand Challenge with Allison Ray Jeraci

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Cristina T
Hello, why i can't do the firts day? It's only the 1 min intro video that appear to me.
Melissa M
It says I'm on day 4, but won't unlock days 1-3.... 
Elizabeth M
Hi, Cristina T Melissa M - apologies for the confusion, you should be able to access the videos now! 

How are you liking the challenge?
Karolina W
1 person likes this.
Allison, thank you so much. I truly enjoyed this challenge and it definitely improved my handstand. It wasn’t as easy as I thought, which is good, as I struggle to challenge myself alone. Well done! Loved it!
Polina M
1 person likes this.
Loved the cues and preparation for each class, big thanks, Allison!
Polina M I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Hope you can check out season 1 & 2 of Discover Arm Balancing

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