30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 23: Hip Hip Hooray<br>Robert Sidoti

30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 23: Hip Hip Hooray
Robert Sidoti

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Robert Sidoti
Good idea Ch Marie d’I to warm slowly into Frog (ribbit ribbit) pose and definitely if you're feeling the energy to double them up! @0 minutes flies by for sure! 
Lina S
1 person likes this.
I'm glad we've done frog poe. I don't encounter this pose often. Thank you!
Robert Sidoti
Ribbit Ribbit :)) Frog pose is a good one - some do not like it at all, I can understand why. Glad you liked it Lina S !! Apologies for delayed response. 
Sandra Židan
Hi, Robert! In the frog pose today I felt more my knees than the hips. Is it normal or I did the pose wrong? Thanks for your answer in advance and thanks for the great practice! Namaste! 🤗
Robert Sidoti
Hello and good day to you Sandra Židan 🙏🏽
Great question, thanks for asking!
It could depend on how deep you’re bending your knees or if you have any padding u der your knees - you could also place the knees out wide and keep your feet neutral rather than turning them out (more like a wide knee childs pose) it could be the position of the feet that is bothering your knees - tough to assess from here. :)
Hope this helps and I’m so happy you’re still here everyday, I enjoy seeing and reading your comments! 
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