Yin Yoga: Yin at the Wall<br>Kate Smith

Yin Yoga: Yin at the Wall
Kate Smith

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Kate Smith
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Sandra !! You are such a cosmic yin yogi these days....I LOVE knowing you are out there. I'm inspired by you. Abounding LOVE coming your way all the way from South Carolina :)))
David G-
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Hey Kate, been waiting to do this one for a while. Finally found the right space in our house with a wall. (My basement, where I practice, was dug out for a recording studio (previous owners wrote music jingles) and so there is only a three-foot cement wall up to original basement floor. Not very yin friendly.) 

Loved the dropping the femur bone down, but absolutely adored the figure-four on the wall. 

Just finished first bike ride outside for the first time in two weeks, so everything here was perfect! 

Hope you are considering recording more. Thought of a show idea for you: yin massage rolling. Silly, but my mind always slows down with you. Always know a practice is good when my creative mind gets sparked. 

Also, I make it a point now when I roll up from forward fold to be slower than my guide. 

Best, David 
Kate Smith
Well, hello again, David G- ! I am so glad to hear another update. And even more excited to hear that you were able to accommodate your blossoming yin practice with an adequate space. I've found that having a designated practice area makes all the difference.... If it is easy to get your practice started -- meaning, all the "equipment" is ready and the space is tidy -- I find I am much more inclined to practice more often (which my body, mind, and soul all appreciate). So kudos to you for creating that space. 

Love that the practice made you more creative. I am always more creative when I feel calm and have space to connect. 

Not sure when I will ever record more....I closed my studio six months before the start of the pandemic. I have not taught publicly since September 2019. Not sure if I ever will again....
David G-
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Oh, Kate that's a bummer about your studio, but it must be freeing not to have that responsibility. I joined Lydia Zamarano's digital studio (so much fun!). She just films in her living room, and Birgitte Kristen's YouTube's videos (also in her living room) led me here. Just saying...   I have two spaces, plus my Zen backyard (created years ago for aesthetics, but now has a higher purpose).  Wishing you the best Spring! Dave
Kate Smith
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Not a bummer at ALL !! ;))) I closed my studio because I heard the deep intuitive calling to close. It was a cosmic inspiration and so while it didn't make sense to me at the time (my studio was doing quite well), I trusted and was luckily brave enough to -- as Erich Schiffmann says -- "do as I was guided to do". And then the pandemic hit 6 months later ... it was a blessing to close when I did. My yoga practice is my own these days  -- for the time being -- and I treasure that. I'm just enjoying the flow....great to know you are out there on the path as well. :)) Abounding LOVE David G-  !!! Thanks for all the feedback 
David G-
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Yeah, I am on the path. Thanks for being a part of it. It feels so cosmic it's freaking cool. My story began when I edited a friend's book who "followed her bliss" too and it rubbed off on me. So I totally get it. Hard to believe you weren't killing it with the studio as you do keep it real. My favorite line from you was something like this: "I put my head down on the ground in wide-legged forward fold and didn't change anything." Shanti! 
Kate Smith
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Shanti back at ya, David G- ... Here's to following our bliss 
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