The Sweet Heart Challenge: Day 10: Acceptance<br>Wade Gotwals

The Sweet Heart Challenge: Day 10: Acceptance
Wade Gotwals

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Cecilie S
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Time is limitless :) I have enjoyed this challenge 2 years after it was first published. Still, felt your presence today... Thank you and so much love from Norway
Hi Cecilie I couldn't agree with you more about time. It might be perfect timing to actually watch in now with whats happening in the world! So happy you got to join u me - a big hug is on the way to Norway!
Catharina R
Thank you Wade  for 10 days of gratitude on this beautiful journey. I have really appreciated, not only being part of the challenge and everything is has given me, but your energy, inspiring words and last but definitely not least, the way you instruct the poses. Yoga has been an important part of my life for quite some time and one of the great challenges for me is to find my way into some of the poses. During these days I have experienced new ways to move in and out of poses. It has allowed me to spend valuable time with my breath and my body allowing me to go deeper into the experience of yoga. Thank you 🙏 
Catharina R Im so glad this has supported you in so many ways!! Thank you so much for going out of your way and taking the time to share your experience with me and the forum. On a day when the world feels so challenging to be in,  your words are helping me recharge so that I can support others!!! Thank you so much!
Lina S
The wise words instilled in each practice, the sequence of asanas, the themes discussed made me want to return to practice, to return to my haven of peace. Thank you so much for having guided us so well in this inner journey. Namaste.
Oh Lina S I can feel the connection you made with Self during this journey and it makes me so happy! So grateful for your kind words and always so good to hear from and connect with you!
Kayoko W
Thank you for these wonderful 10 days! 

I started this challenge to relax my body, especially my shoulders that were so stiff from carrying my baby all the time, but I found much more than I expected first.  Not only my body are much better aligned, I found new stillness in my heart. I love the way you combine your spiritual words with your athletic yoga stile.  Because your practice requires me full concentration,  your words slipp into my heart center easily. It gave me peace during and after practice. 

I'd love to practice your other shows as well. If you could recommend me a show after this challenge, I would appreciate it very much.  

Thank you again for this new found peace and refreshed body! 

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Hi Kayoko W it's been so great to connect with you and congrats on making it through the challenge! Thank you for sharing your journey with an open heart! I will leave the link of the flows that are available below...big hug
45 min, 60 min flows + Joyful flow series
4 week yoga retreat
Kim M
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Great challenge - many thanks 🙏🏻
Hi Kim M great to hear from you! Thank you for staying with the challenge and feeling all the feels!
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