Awaken to You: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: We Made It!<br>Shelley Williams

Awaken to You: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 30: We Made It!
Shelley Williams

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Shelley Williams
Aloha and Mahalo, Tracy! Huge congrats to you,how wonderful to read you feel both challenged and restored~ what a great balance..!! I am honored, and inspired by you! Keep on practicing and sending my best! THANK YOU!!! 🙏❤️
Shelley Williams
Hello Lorraine! Congratulations to you!! How wonderful, and I’m sure there is much more than just your wrists that are stronger~ you did it! A thousand and eight THANKS to you for participating, and hope it continues on~ hugs to you!! ❤️🙏
M Angela C
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Thank you Shelley! I am deeply grateful for your presence, guidance, energy and wisdom. I shall continue to approach each practice as if it were my first and my last. Thank you for sharing yourself with us all. 🙏 🙏
Shelley Williams
Hello M Angela! Huge congratulations to you, how wonderful you gave this gift to yourself!! Thank you for showing up, for your commitment, your interaction and comments, and sharing from your heart. I am so grateful to you, and wish you the best on your path!!
Nancy W
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Thank you Shelley for an inspiring, thoughtful, and beautiful practice each and every day. Loved it. I will look for you on the path. Namaste.
Kelly B
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So much I could say, but in the end, it all boils down to . . . thank you 🙏🏽
Shelley Williams
Nancy! Congratulations! You did it! Inspired and proud of you, and grateful to share this with you.. ~ Namaste
Shelley Williams
Kelly ! Congratulations and thanks to YOU! Without your participation, without you showing up, we would have none of it... so thank you, and happy practicing and enjoy living yoga xoxo Namaste
Glenford N
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Thanks Shelley. I learnt so much from the experience. Beautiful practices and beautiful words. Namaste
Sarah M
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30-day challenge in 31 days. Not too terrible! :) I can see a slight outward change, but I feel such a huge change on the inside. I'm stronger physically and emotionally. I feel more connected to other people (how is that possible when I did every practice alone?!) and feel more love and compassion towards them. I'm really thankful for this opportunity and these benefits I didn't even know were coming. Thank you so much for leading us through this journey. Much love to you and yours. Xoxo
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