Chakra Course: Chakra 3: Manipura<br>Jasmine Tarkeshi

Chakra Course: Chakra 3: Manipura
Jasmine Tarkeshi

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Claire I'm so happy you found the chakra course and found the Manipura practice uplifting.  And absolutely, bigger bodies are strong and beautiful and of great value! Thank you for your observance on how I framed the possibility of the imbalance of excess belly weight and apologize for the generalization coming across as being something negative. I will totally reframe my wording to express more clearly how to balance the manipura no matter what body shape or size.  I hope you enjoyed the rest of course as well and please reach out with all of your keen concerns and comments.  Gratefully, Jasmine 
Joni B
I am really enjoying your teachings Jasmine, you're offering poses which I find really difficult and challenging, exactly what I usually avoid!! So it's great to face these head on and with Love. Especially love the comment on the Bhagavad Gita ' You're best to do something that is true to your heart even if you suck at it!!! Than continue down the line of something that is not you!' Love it. Thanks again from Lochgoilhead in Argyll, Scotland!!
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