20 Minute Yoga Flows: Open Your Throat Chakra<br>Sarah Beston

20 Minute Yoga Flows: Open Your Throat Chakra
Sarah Beston

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Glenford N
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Hi Sarah,
Lovely routine. I'm sharing these 20-minute flows with my son Elliot(23). He's a semi-pro soccer player, beginning to discover the benefits of yoga.  Namaste.
Sarah Beston
How cool, Glenford N! Where does your son play soccer? In my experience, yoga is such a wonderful addition to athletes' training regime. Wishing you a beautiful weekend from California. Warmest regards.
Glenford N
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Elliot plays for Brighton Soccer Club, in the Bayside area . It's one of the biggest community clubs in Melbourne. My daughter Isabella (17) is also taking an interest. My dream is that we'll all attend a class together one day! Namaste.
Sarah Beston
I hope to practice with you all someday Glenford N! It’s so lovely practicing and sharing the experience with loved ones—I agree!
Sandra Židan
Lovely practice! Thanks, Sarah! Namaste!
Sarah Beston
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Thank you for practicing with me today, Sandra Židan! Warm regards from Portugal!
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