Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 21: Flexibility 3<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 21: Flexibility 3
Nathan Briner

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Nathan Briner
Hi Fukuko H! Great to connect with you. I am glad to hear you are enjoying the practice. Is there anything I can help with? Any modifications or maybe help with a prop? I'm here for you, just let me know how I can help :)
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This felt really good with the strap. I have had some SI joint issues and really have to watch myself and go slow. I couldn’t walk 6 months ago! My body feels stronger with less pain. My hips are happier and less stiff. Thank you!!
Nathan Briner
Michelle this is great news!! So good to hear 🙏
Laura M
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What a wonderful and peaceful practice! Thank you!
Nathan Briner
Laura M! Glad you loved it! 
Jo S
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Just checking in again Nathan - this is my third time through this challenge, and each time I revisit these poses, something new makes sense in what you are asking us to do which I find really interesting. I was making great progress, but then I fell while running and have had a break, and am still pretty sore in places... what I do notice though - and I think this is why I like this challenge so much, is that everything is slow, the transitions pose to pose are relaxed, and I know the advice about how far to go and listening to your body will keep me safe. I am also incidentally studying anatomy for artists at the moment, so I have a mental image of my bones and muscles and what I am asking them to do which I find really interesting. Jo.
Nathan Briner
Jo S, I am so happy to hear how much you’re getting out of the challenge! This was exactly my original hope for these lessons, that it could be revealed that there are layer upon layer of depth and growth within us to be discovered. It makes me smile to know you’re accessing that feeling. I hope you are well on the way to healing up from your fall. 
All my best!
Sandra Židan
Today I almost fell asleep during that long shavasana.😂 Thank you very much, Nathan, for this great practice! Namaste! 🥰
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