Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 27: Integration 3<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 27: Integration 3
Nathan Briner

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Tracy C
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Much better practise after a run... Tomorrow I will run like an Ethiopian marathon winner, with that wide open chest, shoulders down and leading with the heart..... at least I will try . OH! And I'm sure I will break some records for sure! ha ha!!! Thanks for the great teaching... Really fun!! Take really good care!!
Nathan Briner
Tracy C, may you run like the wind and set a personal best record :) 
Brenda S
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Extremely challenging for me… But very helpful. Thank you so much.
Nathan Briner
Brenda S, what did you find most challenging? 
Brenda S
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Nathan, the challenge was due to my deltoids, so the reaching over with the strap was intense for them. However, I would like to express again my gratefulness for the build up of the lessons. I read a few comments and others feel that the explicit directions from you is amazing! It’s like learn yoga all over, the right way. I truly believe everyone should take this thirty-day challenge to learn techniques. Looking forward to the next season. Namaste
Nathan Briner
Brenda S 💛 those are very kind words. I’m so happy you are finding a connection with these lessons. I think you would enjoy the Alignment Principles season as well. Those lessons give you the actual framework for how these cues are developed. Once you understand the principles and can feel them in your body, yoga will take on a powerful, new meaning for you. Hope to see you there!
Sandra Židan
I feel really peaceful and relaxed after doing this great practice for chest opening! Thanks, Nathan! Namaste! 🥰
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