The Yoga Show with Kira & Friends: Vata Balancing Practice<br>Ali Cramer

The Yoga Show with Kira & Friends: Vata Balancing Practice
Ali Cramer

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Ali Cramer
Beth S thank you much! So important to stay with our Practice! 
Andrea G
This was Heaven! Thank you!
Ali Cramer
Andrea G  thank you so much! So glad you enjoyed. Happy holidays! 
Sandra Židan
Thanks, Ali! I am so grateful for this beautiful and calming practice! I've enjoyed doing it!  Namaste! 💖💝💗❣️
Rosie B
A perfect practice. Balanced and beautiful. Thank you so much Ali Cramer !
Ali Cramer
1 person likes this.
Rosie B aw thank you so much for the support! Feels like a thousand years ago! 
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