Chakra Vinyasa Flows: Root Chakra: The Inner Legs<br>Quamay Sams

Chakra Vinyasa Flows: Root Chakra: The Inner Legs
Quamay Sams

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Quamay S
4 people like this.
David Goldstein Me too David! I've never heard the word "space" to describe my classes but it is dope to me that you all are having similar experiences! Thank you for sharing and I hope that feeling carries through in future practices! 
Quamay S
3 people like this.
Ali Love to hear that Ali! I'm happy to sprinkle a bit of insight to help you explore something familiar in a new way. This practice has so much depth and to give you a different perspective means the world to me . Thank you for sharing! 
Bajno M
1 person likes this.
amazing yoga class! I loved it! clear, encouraging instruction and impressed with your technique...thank you...we want more yoga classes with you! x
Quamay S
Bajno M Bajno! I appreciate your comment so much and I too hope me and everyone at YA can come together again and create more. Thank you!
Jacinthe L
I randomly choose a teacher or series knowing that I will receive the teaching that I need in my life, at the right time. I am looking forward to exploring the chakras through flow with this series of classes; love the pace and your calming voice. Namaste
Jaimie S
Quamay, your accent reminds me of home. Thank you for your guidance! These are great. 
Samantha D
Amazing class - I feel lighter than air now, it was a great balance of strength and length. Quamay has an excellent teaching style - you’re not constantly looking at the screen to see what he’s doing. He calmly talks you through every movement. So rare & such a gift!
Erika A
Awesome practice! thank you.!
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