Chakra Vinyasa Flows: Root Chakra: The Outer Legs<br>Quamay Sams

Chakra Vinyasa Flows: Root Chakra: The Outer Legs
Quamay Sams

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Quamay S
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Corinne M Hey Corinne! You are welcome. Thank you for flowing along! 
Quamay S
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Annabelle B You are welcome ! Glad you enjoyed :)
Quamay S
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David Goldstein Hey David! I really appreciate you sharing your experience and I'm blessed to know that the class had that impact. I try my best to meet everyone where they are; with a level of understanding that also holds room for growth. So in the near future, I imagine those arm balances becoming easier for you. Nonetheless, newfound flexibility is one of FAVORITE feelings in the world. Keep Going! 
Quamay S
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Lisa B Thank you Lisa! I really appreciate your kind words! I do my best to share from my heart and I'm so happy that things resonate with you in that way. You are VERY welcome, Q! 
Bajno M
fantastic hips flow! can we have a lower option for the arm balance pose please...that would help me in particular! looking fd to doing your other classes soon.
Hollin Arcadia
LOVE LOVE LOVE, so many hearts for this one :D  Outer legs have always been my nemesis.  This practice is PERFECT, from pacing, to cues, to dialing it in, to your unique character, Quamay :) THANK YOU!
Elizabeth Vitell
I just began the chakra series, finished the two root segments and I am looking forward to the flowing through them all. Love the sequences and am planning on borrowing some tips for my own classes, as a fellow teacher. Thank you Quamay!
Lenise Jay
Thank you so much, and I loved that prep work for crow! 🧘🏾‍♀️🏋🏾‍♀️
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