Advanced Basics: Hip Hinge in Backbends<br>Nathan Briner

Advanced Basics: Hip Hinge in Backbends
Nathan Briner

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Nathan Briner
Wow Catherine A! That is fantastic! It really transforms the practice when it doesn’t hurt anymore. So happy you’re feeling better in the poses 🙏
Nathan Briner
(Edited by Moderator - Brittany Potter on October 7, 2022)
Rosanna S great question. My instinct is to say the feeling you’re describing is an overstretched feeling. 
There is a delicate balance with the action of the pelvis. What I am describing in these lessons is meant to help those who might collapse in the back. Plus the waistband concept helps to connect us to the lower abdominal support. That said, the lumbar does need to arch in a back bend. So once you’ve connected with your abdominal support you can allow the pelvis the lumbar to find its curve. The pull on the knees you’re talking about tell you that you’re over pulling the waistband. Instead let L5/S1 start to move forward and down. Anchor down through the shins, thighs and knees. 
Let me know if this is helpful or if you have more questions. All my best!
Margaret B
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Thank you Nathan for taking the ego out of backbends!  Camel has always been challenging for me, so I tuck toes, but your cueing of just staying where you are made me actually feel the pose vs trying to wrench myself into it.  A big whew you kept if very simple!  As an aging practitioner I've taken on doing less advanced poses, such as ego gets in the way when I don't accept exactly where I am in this moment.  Your classes are really challenging but exactly what I need and what I feel by listening to my body.
Nathan Briner
Thank you Margaret B! I’m with you 100%. It can be very tempting to try to do all the crazy poses but then reality shows up and asks us, “are you sure”? I remind myself often that it isn’t the depth of the pose or the complexity that bring the results. It’s the awareness and reflection that are the real teachers. 
Thanks again for sharing your experience with the classes!
Elizabeth H
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im back Nathan. healing my injuries with your teachings thanks a million 
Nathan Briner
Elizabeth H Love to hear it! I also do live online sessions if you need any extra help. All my best!
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