Enliven Your Senses: A 7-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Seat of Intuition<br>Sarah Beston

Enliven Your Senses: A 7-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Seat of Intuition
Sarah Beston

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Sarah Beston
I’m so grateful to be sharing these practices together, Francesca Venturini! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and inspiring words. 🌷
Sarah Beston
It makes me happy to hear that, Rachel S! Somehow I missed all of the reflections on this class. I will revisit and tune into intuitive knowing today. 🙏🏼
Sarah Beston
I’m so happy to hear this brought you some peace, 
Sarah Beston
I’m so happy to hear this brought you some peace, Ruth V! 🙏🏼
Sarah Beston
I love how you describe the inner voice as limitless, Glenford N. Thanks, as always, for sharing your beautiful reflections. 🌸
Sarah Beston
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Blessings, Sandra Židan! Thank you for sharing these practices and your experience with them. 🌙✨
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