Yin Yoga: Embracing Compassion<br>Kira Sloane

Yin Yoga: Embracing Compassion
Kira Sloane

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David G-
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A wonderful way to end this season. As I am sure you know this, but we feel compassion and empathy differently in the brain. We use more of our brain (and get dopamine and oxytocin) when we are compassionate. Lisa Dale Miller's inspirational podcast introduced this to me, but the actual practice of this skill works great with Yin. Kate Smith calls Yin non-photogenic, and you mentioned it's best done at home where the yoga police aren't looking. I made tonight less about what I could achieve, and more about what I could comfortably experience to broaden my metta-awareness Thanks so much!!! 
Kira Sloane
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David Goldstein, thanks for the podcast rec! Have a sweet day. - K
David G-
You are welcome! Same to you. Here is the episode I think. https://www.groundlessground.com/episodes/kindness-vs-niceness
Lenise Jay
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Thank you for that practice 🧘🏾‍♀️☺️
Kira Sloane
Lenise Jay LOVE!
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