Yin Yoga: Soften and Listen In<br>Kira Sloane

Yin Yoga: Soften and Listen In
Kira Sloane

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Haille H
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So grateful to have the opportunity to continue this practice together! I especially loved today what you said about everything being rumor until we experience it for ourselves. Such a lovely practice once again Kira, thank you for helping me come back to and discover myself. Love!
Kira Sloane
Hallie! LOVE! xok
Tesa Urbonaite Dunn
Lovely practice! Ahhhh. Such a gift, thank you. I saw our dear friend, Angel, in Ft. Worth last weekend. She and Michelle Landy did some fantastic workshops at her studio, Temple Road Yoga. Angel and I discussed how much we both appreciate you and Yoga Anytime!
Kira S
Dearest Tesa, oh lucky you to get to see Angel! Thank you for being here! xok
Tesa Urbonaite Dunn
Soooo Nice..... Thank you again...
Karin D
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Just what i needed ! Thank you, Kira ....
Kira Sloane
Hi Karin! Sweet to see you here. xok
Kira-your yin practices are such a healing gift. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and kind energy.
Kira Sloane
Thank you, dear TS. xok
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Kira, what an opportunity to grow in awareness of where I am physically and spiritually. I appreciate your calmness and encouragement to try even difficult poses in my own space and time.
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