Step By Step: Becoming Warrior 1<br>Kira Sloane

Step By Step: Becoming Warrior 1
Kira Sloane

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Hayley C
2 people like this.
Lovely pace. I really enjoyed taking time to understand the Warrior 1 and the process of preparation. I felt an amazing difference in the hips with the second squat towards the end. Thank you!
Kira Sloane
Hayley, this makes me so happy. xokira
Jo V
1 person likes this.
Fantastic, thank you so much.
Kira Sloane
Jo, thank you for being here. xok
1 person likes this.
Lovely instruction and pace. You are one of my favorite teachers!
Interesting to observe the relationship between slightly pronated shoulders and lack of movement in the upper back which necessitates back bend moving into lower back and the beginning of the undoing of this pattern without ever specifically addressing it.
Kira Sloane
Dearest Ardhachandra, thank you so much for your keen observation! xok
Catie R
Openness in my hips is rarely accessible to me, but thank you for helping me on that journey- I definitely found openness during some of these preparatory poses. I joyfully look forward to finding even more openness in them as I continue my practice. :)
Kira Sloane
Dearest Catie, glad to be here together and happy about your hips! xok
Ben R
I appreciated learning more about grounding myself before going into a pose. Great job.
Ben R
Also, it is good to see and feel how every little thing contributes to the overall development of a pose.
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