The Happy Back Show: Chair Sequence for Back Pain<br>Kira Sloane

The Happy Back Show: Chair Sequence for Back Pain
Kira Sloane

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Chars Cowling
I have an acute back injury and could hardly move this morning. This gentle chair practice actually helped me get out of the chair! - Thank you.
Kira Sloane
Dear Chars, I am really sorry to hear about your injury and glad that something was able to help. xok
Anne W
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I liked this chair yoga for my first one. I did it two times back to back. I have arthritic knees but i was able to do it.
Kira Sloane
Anne , so happy to hear this practice worked! I have arthritic knees too. xokira
Emma K
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Hulloa, Kira; I hurt my back last night, leaning into the trash can at an unadvisable angle! Today, gentle walking and this practice have brought almost complete relief and recovery. Thank you!
Kira Sloane
Emma, sounds like there is a pretty funny backstory (pun not intended) to this moment and I am really happy to hear you are feeling better. xok
Sandra Židan
Nice practice! Thanks, Kira!
Alana Mitnick
Sandra Ž, LOVE!
Kira Sloane
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Sandra Ž, also, above was me pretending to be Alana by accident. Haha. LOVE! xok
Samantha P
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This was a lovely practice, thank you. It gave me some much-needed space and openness in the hips. 
1-10 of 12

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