Yoga for Trauma: Tracking and Resources<br>Kyra Haglund

Yoga for Trauma: Tracking and Resources
Kyra Haglund

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Linda C
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Beautiful. Thank you so much for these practices.
Maria Elena D
Wow! this is so very helpful! thank you!
Mandy T
Kyra, I love these resources! Especially the tracking and resourcing! I do something very similar in EMDR therapy with my clients, but the way you broke it down and had us go back to our resource if we felt triggered was brilliant! Thank you so much for the work that you do! I never thought to use this in my yoga practice!
Bridgid M
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Wonderful grounding techniques - Thank You!
Ms. Linda Leah R
Simply wonderful!   I've been a facilitator (counsellor ) for decades...and the one missing link was the Language of the Nervous System and Peter Levine's teachings on how to heal trauma.  I have taught myself much via Irene Lyon's course and now work with a terrific S.E. practitioner, here in Victoria, B.C where i've been living for 5 years (hailing from Montreal, PQ) .  Discovering your yoga teachings, Kyra, is an addition that can keep me company in this work, daily right now.   Your way of presenting this material, how you speak, your delivery, all of it ~ is so much appreciated by me.   You sit there in Integrity and such authenticity, as i would .   Good to meet you. xoxox
Lynda V
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I go back to this again and again. I find it keeps me grounded and helps release areas of tightness in my body that may have served to protect itself at one point. It's nice to be able to track these areas and know I can let go now. So much love! Thank you.
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Hello Kyra.  I'm starting this yoga practice today during the pandemic, feeling the synchronicity of hearing about S.E., recognizing how shut down I feel, deciding to reinvent my massage therapy work, and to find my inner feeling self.  Thank you for being so real.
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I love your techniques.  I work in a pediatric hospital cancer  center and am a certified meditation teacher.  I do guided meditation for caregivers in a program specifically for them.  I am always looking for  options to give them that they can use in the moment for stress and trauma.  The grounding with an object that you can return to in your mind at anytime was unique to me.  I felt the connection and it calmed me.  Great practice and I look forward to the rest of the series.
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Great, I loved the tracking and resources especially. After learning some grounding techniques, I have mostly avoided these difficult emotions by numbing them throughout my life because of childhood trauma. Brilliant and very relevant tools to self regulate and build resilience. Thank you and looking forward to the rest of the series. 
Kyra Haglund
Corinne  so glad you're finding some of these practices useful!   I so want all of us to be able to feel a little more safety and okayness from inside out.  Thanks so much for sharing *-*.  
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