The Vinyasa Show: Fluid Twisting <br>Mary Beth LaRue

The Vinyasa Show: Fluid Twisting
Mary Beth LaRue

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Corrina R
3 people like this.
Thank you Mary Beth! That was a lovely practice.
May Beth LaRue
thank you for joining me. xo
Cyndi R
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Fantastic sequence Mary Beth! My heart is overflowing with joy and appreciation that I get to practice your class; I feel so much softer and at ease. Many thanks and peace xoxo
May Beth LaRue
so fun to know you're out there practicing. i hope you'll come practice in person someday soon too. :)
Lucia C
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great practice! Thank you!
May Beth LaRue
thank you for practicing lucia.
Ruby L
2 people like this.
Thank you, MB! I saw your post on Instagram and had been looking for an online yoga forum. Happy to be a new member of YogaAnytime and be able to take your classes! So lovely as always.
Kira Sloane
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Welcome, Ruby! So glad you are here! xok
May Beth LaRue
so happy to have you here ruby! would love to here what classes you liked as i'll be filming more soon.
Angela O
2 people like this.
was wonderful to practice on the mat with you to accompany our bliss-crafting work this seven weeks. Thank you, Angela
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