The Yoga Flow Show: Fluid Fire <br>Shelley Williams

The Yoga Flow Show: Fluid Fire
Shelley Williams

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Laura M
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Absolutely adored this practice Shelley, it absolutely was fluid fire :) Thank you
Shelley Williams
Thank you Laura! Happy yoga... more to come :)
Sara T
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I was reluctant to try this one because I'm not very strong in the upper body, but was very pleased with the arm balances. I was able to practice my arm balances without feeling "left out" of the practices. I was able to do as much as I could and still be part of this "flow"!
Shelley Williams
Thanks Sara! That is the goal, there is room at the dinner table for everyone :)
Angela C
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Lovely visualization!!
Kate M
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This was a beautiful and meditative preparation for a journey I'm about to take to hospital to visit my mom. Thank you : )
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I do Yoga in the morning and when I looked at this episode my thought was, I’m ready for this first thing but I was pleasantly surprised. Question for you Shelley. I had trouble getting into flying pigeon. There was no issue with cross my leg or with the balance, I just couldn’t bend my leg to get down. I assume its due to tight hips.
Shelley Williams
Robin Hi Robin! Thanks for your comment here!  Yes, continue to workshop  (as a a preparation) "Temple Dancer" with your hands at the wall, and work on bending your standing leg, so you can eventually lower yourself down to the blocks and then the floor. As your hips open, (external hip opening in particular) this will allow you to get lower and deeper into these shapes! Happy practicing!
Kate M
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Sweet. I find your cueing very calming and empowering. Challenging postures become a fun adventure to explore! Thank you, Shelley.
Christel B
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Loving the flow and challenge.
1-10 of 12

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