Ayurveda: Practices to Feel Like Yourself: Lets Talk About the Doshas!<br>Ali Cramer

Ayurveda: Practices to Feel Like Yourself: Lets Talk About the Doshas!
Ali Cramer

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Michelle F
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lovely intro - had a little chuckle at "Vatas - stop reading so many books at the same time" - looking forward to this series - thank you!
4 people like this.
Fantastic! Like the lady Michelle above, I too had a giggle when Ali mentioned to stop reading so many books at one time, slow down, one book at a time. Yes! Thank you for these gently nudges and reminders.
Simon ?
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Great explanation. Very clear and helpful.
Nila P
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Namaskar.  Ha ha!! Stop reading so many books at one time?!! Such a classic trait! Love the intro Ali. 
Ali Cramer
Nila I have to stop myself all the time! LOL! Namaste! 
Ali Cramer
Simon thank you for the feedback-enjoy all the seasons! Namaste! 
Nurdjana D
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I had to laugh so hard when you said stop reading so many books at the same time. So recognizable. 
Nurdjana D
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hahah I see someone else loved this one to
Ali Cramer
Nurdjana classic vata! I have to stop myself from doing it all the time! 
Veronica J
I have been told that I have a pitta body but vata mind. What should I do to stay in balance?
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