The Sweet Heart Challenge: Day 3: Explore Deeply<br>Wade Gotwals

The Sweet Heart Challenge: Day 3: Explore Deeply
Wade Gotwals

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Sally McGrew
Thank you Wade for a beautiful way to begin each day. Great sequencing, attitude, voice, instruction.
HI Sally McGrew So glad you are feeling it! Thanks for taking on the challenge!!
Jamie P
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Loving this challenge! Especially your ques and that you are constantly reminding me to check in with the posture. I can feel such a difference! Thank you! 🙏
Ruth O
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Thank you for day 3. Such a nice "Wade" : ) to start the day. My shoulders feel great. ~~Ruth
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HI Ruth! Your dedication to the challenge is inspiring!!
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HI Ruth! Yes, when we let go of the shoulder tension if feels like the weight of the world is lifted...I feel like thats where most of us, myself included hold our tension!
HI @Jamie Great to hear from you and sorry for the late response, while you were connecting the direct message was down that week and I overlooked this!

Sheryl U
Hi Wade! Thank you for an awesome class. I've been practicing my up dogs since I recovered from a fractured ankle and I am seeing progress. Keep staying positive and practicing, the world sure does need it right about now. Take care, stay safe, stay home. 
HI Sheryl So glad you are joining us especially during these times! Ohhh ankle injuries and UP Dog can be a real challenge...keep moving slow until the range of motion increases!
A deep and yet gentle practice. The twist in child pause is divine. Also the ways to enter the moon asana makes for a gentler fly. I feel nourished and easily connecting with my heart ❤️ with you by my side . Thank you 
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