Good Morning Yoga: Nourishing Morning Flow<br>Alana Mitnick

Good Morning Yoga: Nourishing Morning Flow
Alana Mitnick

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Kate M
Really loved this, Alana. You are a gifted teacher. Thank you!!
Alana Mitnick
Hi Kate! So delighted to be practicing together. Wishing you a wonderful New Year of Yoga! xoA
Kate M
This website is something I am very thankful for in my life! Happy New Year!
Brett Williams
After absorbing Kristin Leal’s tutorials on the vertebral chain, I find your flow classes like this one even more beneficial and enjoyable the second, third, and ... times around! Namaste.
Alana Mitnick
Hi Brett Williams - Thanks for your comment. Love Kristen's tutorials. Nice observation! Yes, repetition can allow for a more enjoyable, satisfying, and relaxed experience. So delighted to be practicing together. Namaste, Alana
Paula E
1 person likes this.
So loved this practice. Thank you. 
Alana Mitnick
Hi Paula! I'm so happy to hear that you loved the practice. Enjoy! Warmly, Alana
Laura G
1 person likes this.
Hi Alana, so glad to have "found" you on here! I struggle to find a good fit teacher for me and you are absolutely my favorite on this much so I find that we're in synch, as I subconsciously anticipate your next verbal cue of a sequence, as that's always what my body wants and expects to do next. Hope that makes sense. Lots of love from across the pond in England, from this US trained yoga instructor now back in her homeland after 17 years living, teaching and practicing in America! xxx
Alana Mitnick
Hi Laura, It's truly an honor to read and receive your message. In my experience, Communication is such a miracle and a complete mystery... and to find a teacher/human being that you really resonate with is a rare and magical occasion. My sense is that when we really Tune In and Listen, the Yoga (teachings) gets channeled through us... and there's a clearer resonance that we feel and recognize as Truth.  So yes, what you say totally makes sense. I'm so glad and grateful to know that we are practicing together. With Love, Alana
Mary L
1 person likes this.
Hi Alana what a wonderful practice to set me up for the day, really enjoyed the pace and the Nourishing Morning Flow, Thank you so much xx
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