The Savasana Challenge: Day 2: Exhale Everything<br>Alana Mitnick

The Savasana Challenge: Day 2: Exhale Everything
Alana Mitnick

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Glenford N
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Hi Alana. Trying to find the bottom of my exhale was an unusual feeling. On the second attempt during bridge, I experienced a strange rising in my lower abdomen and a sense of spaciousness. An interesting sensation. I'm learning to observe my breath rather than controlling which requires a new level of letting go. Almost dissolving into my breath. Namaste.
Sarah G
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I love this! This is definitely getting saved in my favorites as a pre-bedtime practice. Thank you!
Kelly Sunrose
I had a savasana miracle, Alana!!! THANK YOU for this practice. LOVE you!
Alana Mitnick
Kelly Sunrose - WOW Awesome!! Where's the button for showering rainbow sparkles, hearts, and unicorns? Love xoxo
Alana Mitnick
Exquisite insights, Glenford. Thank you for sharing your discoveries in the subtle realm. Stay with it. Namaste, Alana
Alana Mitnick
Sarah - Wonderful to hear. Yes, pre-bedtime is a lovely time to practice this. May it invite you into a peaceful deep rest state. Enjoy! Alana
Jean P
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I found when I did bridge pose and the breathing I had a wonderful deep relaxing stretch in my upper back my shoulders are always very tight and sticky.
Alana Mitnick
Hi Jean, So glad you are here with us! What a wonderful insight, observation, and feeling. Yes, the upper back and shoulders can get very tight and sticky, especially from sitting, computer work, and stress. Rolling down from Bridge on the exhale is a lovely way to help release tension and relax the diaphragm. Nice work! Warmly, Alana
Cherhine S
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A great and peaceful feeling after that class. Less anxiety and deep breathing. 
Alana Mitnick
Hi Cherhine, I am so happy to hear that you are feeling more peaceful and less anxious after Savasana. Please stay close and keep me posted on how the rest of the Challenge is working for you. Namaste, Alana
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