Hello Kristin, thanks for this beautiful guidance. I want to know if making a sound is hard for me, may I just try to imagine it? or I would be put too much effort on making sound.
And I found I used to make sound from my nose! I tried to focus on my throat today, it was a new experience. I feel like I'm not familiar with my throat muscle.haha
Hope with practice I can be more familiar with that and make a sound from there!
Serena Y great question! At its most refined it is more "felt" than 'heard" (if that makes sense) It is quite subtle. If anyone were seated close to you they wouldn't be able to hear it. Many of us are "going for the sound" which makes it usually really nasal-y. You might try it with the mouth open (breathing in and out of the mouth) for a few rounds with a slight hug of the vocal folds as if you are trying to fog up a mirror and then try to recreate the sensation with the mouth closed breathing through the nose. Let me know how it goes!