Aligned and Awake: Deep and Steady Twisting<br>Nathan Briner

Aligned and Awake: Deep and Steady Twisting
Nathan Briner

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Jenny S
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Wow! This was way more intense than it would seem (in a good way.) I wound up with a great heat and even sweat going, and by the end (complete with a lovely grounding savasana), I was glowing inside and out! 💥
Nathan Briner
Right on Jenny! Sounds like you had a great practice :) Thank you for sharing your experience.
Kate M
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One of the great things about this kind of delivery system for a class is that I can push "pause" and experiment with the ideas you're presenting. I am blessed with a "yoga wall" in my practice space, and incorporated a horizontal bar (at 2 heights) to grasp when playing with the twist from Virasana at the wall. I was able to traction out the spine a bit, which felt good. Great ideas!! With gratitude, Namaste.
Nathan Briner
Thank you very much Kate!
Christel B
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It's interesting doing these poses while having support from the wall allowing for more integrity in the spine. Thank you Nathan.
Nathan Briner
Christel This is one factor that shifted my appreciation for support and props. I started to see and feel that the more the spine was supported and calm, even in a difficult pose, the quieter my mind became. This was my first glimpse of meditation in action and I recognized my body actually wanting to stay longer in the poses. Thank you for sharing your experience. Let me know if you have any questions about the poses in these lessons :)
Lisa M
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This was wonderful! Even though twists are difficult for me I felt very supported. Loved that little trick pushing the heels into the wall for savasana . Thank you .
Nathan Briner
Lisa thank you for sharing your experience. You mention twists are difficult for you. Is there anything in particular that you find challenging that I might be able to help with?
I have been struggling to find stability in revolved lunge with prayer hands. Practising against the wall was a revelation. I also really enjoyed revolved half-moon and revolved triangle against the wall and with blocks. And one-legged dog opening the hips was heavenly. Thank you. I will come back to this practice, and will try to retain the stability when I am not using the wall for support.
Laura M
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I would love to have a whole show dedicated to yoga with the wall! These four practices have been amazing for showing me proper alignment as well as doing inversions I can’t normally do. Thank you!
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