Hey Kira Love! You are so on top of it m'dear, as always. I definitely can respond to all of these questions with clarity .... and will do so more at length perhaps in a different forum (vs. here). Where should I connect with you about it?
I feel accomplished to have made it to Day 20 (and sad to be getting close to the end). While these practices do fly by, I'm not sure I want it to be longer because I'm really happy to be able to squeeze my practice into a 30 minute time slot. Not sure I could have pulled this off if it was 60 minutes a day.
BethElissa Thanks for sharing your thoughts and wishes, its encouraging to read that you would like to see more/ longer practices. To your point about my comment of people "going to a studio for longer practice classes" being a misconception or generalization, I must share something;
BethElissa When I was first invited to teach classes for this fantastic site, I found it an incredible challenge to create a practice to fit inside a 30 min window. My preference is at least 90 min. I found it hard to believe that you could have a quality yogic experience in such a short framework. The site shared that their primary demographic tends to hit around the 20-30min window, so their effort and goal was to create a challenge that would be accessible to as much of their student base as possible. As we forged ahead filming it (the challenge being 30min/ 30days by design) I was surprised and delighted to find the transformational process (however small) can still be available to us. That's a whole other practice in of itself! Hoping for longer ones in the future. xoxo
Ted I am glad to hear it is working for you...I usually end up wanting to do more, but its also nice to feel that sense of accomplishment in completing something top to bottom 😊
Hi. Clarification: I didn't mean I don't value the shorties. They are wonderful for all the reasons listed here (and I too, feel all of those things at times). I'm saying that in addition to shorties, I'd like to see MORE of the longer (1.5 hour) classes here on Y.A (there are not that many and I've literally done most repeatedly). It was fascinating to hear that most want shorties most of the time; I was surprised by that, and totally understand that Y.A. needs to provide for their main demographic. However, there are TONS and TONS of shorties: could there not also be a focus on balancing that with a generous offering of longer classe. Realize this is a big ask: more expensive to produce, but you might attract and retain others like me maybe? Number crunching is not my forté, so I'm out of my depth here). Mainly just wanted to say that I personally value all styles of class (long, short, everything in between), and would love to see more longs.
Elissa Thanks for your note... D'accord! I am WITH you on this.... and I think we will start to see some of these appear soon, especially as Yoga Anytime continues to grow. Your feedback is super important, thank you for being so positive and sharing :)
Shelley Williams beautiful flow! It was life full of twist, curves, and obstacles, like balance for me! I appreciate your authentic style and look forward to more! Namaste!
Shelley thanks for sharing the spirit in which the 30min shorties were generated! I have to say I have enjoyed them immensely...the fact that they’re so short makes me feel no excuses are allowed...that I can (and should) fit them in daily. I do fully agree with Elissa - the comment requesting longer sessions is simply to help cover those days where I wish for a deeper, longer practice (although combining a couple 30min classes is surely doable - and I’ve done it - it isn’t nearly as satisfying as one of your 60-90 min classes where the same theme of hip opening or shoulder opening or core work continues to a deeper level...).
Kira I know you asked about the addition of meditation specifically ...that would be much less a priority to me personally than a continued, deeper (with longer holds) class more synergystic with a studio style class.