Chakra Course: Chakra 5: Vishuddha<br>Jasmine Tarkeshi

Chakra Course: Chakra 5: Vishuddha
Jasmine Tarkeshi

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Christel B
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What a vibrant flow this was!  Fallen angel with the head on the floor was a first for me and hence such fun.  Yes, honoring our voice and overcoming suppression  is important  to be practiced and lived along with listening of course.
Kate M
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This is falling into my life at just the right moment. Some very important communication that needs to happen, and from a place of compassion, with a close family member. I will be tuning in again and again to try and really get in touch with that spacious place from which compassionate communications can flow.
Catherine R
My favorite of these practices so far! And, even though shoulder stand is not one of my favorite poses, I embraced the idea of observing all the other chakras from that position. Thank you!
Kate M
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By laying the femur across both upper arms in the Fallen Angel, it was quite ease-full to find the position (I kept the legs bent). The neck felt quite safe too. Fun! I had always relegated this to my "no fly" list!! woohoo!!
Wendy P
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I am learning so much and SO very much enjoying the 7 Day Chakra Course!  Thanks so much!
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This is my favourite class so far. I love how these sequences are referencing one another but with a slightly different focus each week. Love the eagle arms in sun salutations and following flows. I can also really feel my revolved postures opening out through the weeks. Side crow is fun; I find it much easier than crow crow!
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wonderful way to start the day! thanks
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Ali, Thank you, I love this practice so much too! Eagle arms and side crow are a favorites :) Hope you return to it again. Blessings, Jasmin
Muntsa, So happy you started your day with this practice and hope it was a beautiful day! 
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I have been studying the chakras for 19 years and LOVE how you present the material and select poses to support the awakening of each chakra. I love fish pose, plow and shoulder stand! Was not brave enough to try fallen angel but will re-visit over the next week. Thank you Jasmine for your beautiful presence and caring way you share this information.
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