Bhagavad Gita: Day 10: Arjuna's Transformation<br>Ravi Ravindra

Bhagavad Gita: Day 10: Arjuna's Transformation
Ravi Ravindra

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Kate M
4 people like this.
Thank you for this thought-provoking investigation of themes from the Gïtã. As always with Ravi's presentations, a "once-through" is certainly not enough to grasp these ideas. Even a lifetime of study... would hardly suffice!!
Hoda G
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I am most grateful for this course.
I heard it say, “Obe Dire”, “Krishna The Field and The Knower of The Field”, “Sacrifice” to make sacred, an offering...The Actor, The Awareness, The knowing of Dog as many precious Gems within the ten lessons...
Thank you for this quality presentation
Nick Constantine
An excellent discourse. So many strands weaves together.
Sara Lozano
Great course. The clarity of Ravi's spirit is transmitted in his lectures. I can see his path in his words, and it opens knowledge doors to let Bhagavad Gita's teachings flow into open students. Thanks a lot!
Stefanie N
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Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
Ravi, your teachings and the twinkle in your eye have been a blessing. Namaste
Mangz S
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Thank you, I am glad I have some understanding of who I am now. I hope to be able to connect with the deepest part of myself, daily in my life n smile at the mystery of everything that comes and goes. All the best to everyone who is on their own unique path, coming towards a bright transformation.  Thank you ravi ravindra. U r the best teacher n you had translated n also gave many examples. I'm glad instagram had advertised this site. So glad to have clicked the link. Peace out
Martín M
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Simply Thank you 🙏
Lorenzo Antonio C
Thank you very much, Ravi Ravindraji. 😊🙏
Brenda S
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How do you find out or know what it is that I am? To identify my purpose. Thank you for enlightening talks. The meditations brought an awareness of my body I had mot considered. Grateful...
Claire V
1 person likes this.
On to taking medicine now, great thanks Ravi :) 
1-10 of 14

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