Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 24: Flexibility 6<br>Nathan Briner

Align with Freedom: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 24: Flexibility 6
Nathan Briner

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Nathan Briner
Brenda S, when you’re descending in plank pose, the pecs, abdominal wall, and the quads are the main workers.
Jenny S
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Finally finished the Flexibility phase of the challenge! It took a while, and I also had to do this section slightly out of order, due to a non-yoga-related pulled muscle in my lower back 😞 so lots of restorative yoga instead (and rest) and I’m finally feeling like myself again. Doing this particular episode of Flexibility was the acid test, and not only was my body up to it, but this whole sequence felt fantastic! I’m always in awe of the wonderful medicine of yoga!
Nathan Briner
Hi Jenny S! Good to hear from you. Sounds like you’re giving yourself the TLC you need to heal up. It’s great to hear that this session helped take it to the next level. 
All my best!
Sandra Židan
Hi, Nathan! Today's practice was interesting to me - it was a bit challenging to balance with the heels in the air in the poses and I couldn't turn to the side in Dhanurasana - I could do the pose but it was heavy for me to turn on both sides! Thanks and namaste! ☀️
Nathan Briner
Sandra Židan, those are definitely tough (and unusual) poses. Come back to this lesson a few times and try them again. I think you’ll pick it up pretty quickly. 
You’re so close to completing the challenge! I’m excited to see you through :)
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