Welcome to Meditation: Simple Breath Awareness 3<br>Kira Sloane

Welcome to Meditation: Simple Breath Awareness 3
Kira Sloane

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Lydia Zamorano
Love these so much Kira. Your attention to detail, your sparkle, your love for us, and your choice of outfit. xoxo Always an inspiration. 
Kate M
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This really took me in deep. I could totally feel the breath moving in the nostrils - it wasn't just imagination. A brilliant exercise to illustrate the precept of "where attention goes, prana flows." Thank you KIra. So beautiful. 
Kira Sloane
Lydia Zamorano! Missing you. 
Kira Sloane
Kate! This is one of my main go-tos. Even works in the dentist's chair! xok
Joanne H
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Kira,  Thanks for this series!  Also thanks for the live practice from your studio today. Felt good practicing with you live!
Kira Sloane
Joanne! That was so much fun. Thank you for being with us! xok
Kate M
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Was halfway through a relatively vigorous practice elsewhere on YA and just felt my energy kind of sliding... I really needed a long savasana, and to hear your voice! So sweet...
Sandra Židan
Nice and relaxing meditation! Thanks, Kira!
Kira Sloane
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Sandra, thank you for being here and making these practice come to life. xok
Sara S
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I noticed that my thoughts were quieter today. The brain had instructions to listen and observe.
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