Fall Ayurveda Yoga Challenge: Day 2: Breath, Bandhas, Bones<br>Melina Meza

Fall Ayurveda Yoga Challenge: Day 2: Breath, Bandhas, Bones
Melina Meza

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Michelle F
8 people like this.
hi Melina,
That is just the most interesting satisfying strap work EVER!! Thank you ...now for the oil massage!
Have a beautiful day
Jenny S
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I agree with Michelle about the strap work. I’ve indicated elsewhere on this site that the strap is underused in the yoga world, yet it can be amazing in the access it gives one to poses that perhaps they could not feel into without this prop. Today’s class offered some really interesting ways to use the strap and it felt so good!
Melina Meza
Wonderful, I"m thrilled to hear you're enjoying the strap work! I appreciate your feedback and I hope you enjoy the use of props in the next few classes as well.
Kate M
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Really loved the strap work... Just beautifully balancing, relaxing practice. Thank you!
Melina Meza
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You're welcome! Happy to hear you enjoyed the practice.
Laurie McElroy
Such a grounding practice -- the strap was grounding and felt like a big hug to my body. Ujayii breath was a perfect complement for the practice. Thank you!
Melina Meza
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Thanks for watching and I love that image of the strap giving you that full body hug! Have a lovely rest of the day!!!

Rosemary E
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Loved this practice!! Thank you so much.
Pat Pao
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Viparita Karani with the strap was divine!!! Another great practice - thanks!
Johanna W
what length strap are you using? Mine was too short for most of postures used for - 
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