On the Verge 10-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Flow<br>Sadia Bruce

On the Verge 10-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Flow
Sadia Bruce

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Jenny S
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I always enjoy the way you emphasize the movements in relation to the breath. This was especially useful in this flow class. Carried along by my breath, enjoying the dance…so nice ❤️
Lillian M
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Love it!
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Love your voice and playful energy! Each practice has reawakened my own spark back into yoga…. So good to be back 
Rachel S
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I am enjoying this series SO MUCH! I feel like I am coming back to myself every time I practice with you, Sadia. Thank you!
Sadia Bruce
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DD T Welcome home— to you! Honored to share in practice with you— let me know how the other practices in the series work for you!
Sadia Bruce
Rachel S An exquisite notice, Rachel, of this beautiful phenomenon of homecoming... Am thrilled to have you here and so glad you're enjoying the series!
Sadia Bruce
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Lillian M I love that you love it!
Lillian M
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I have been working on my mental health> This has helped a lot. Thank you so much
Sadia Bruce
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Lillian M So glad to hear this; continue to take good care!
Kate M
Another brilliant exploration! Love having permission to FLOW! It really is so kind to the body - curving, undulating, pulsating expression! It's who we are... xo
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